damn i forgot brother was getting out of prison in the first panels. how could i let myself be distracted from all the fluff and blushing…i will not be fooled to twice she says after reading this for the nth time and forgetting…i will not forget this time…hope the couple get their justice and happiness….i love dot dot dot…
wow…the fluff…the teasing…the blushing…the need to squeal and simultaneously eggzplode into happiness…only to burst into shatters and cry…girl whaddahell…dot dot dot…
damn i forgot brother was getting out of prison in the first panels. how could i let myself be distracted from all the fluff and blushing…i will not be fooled to twice she says after reading this for the nth time and forgetting…i will not forget this time…hope the couple get their justice and happiness….i love dot dot dot…