I'm seeing a lot of comments complaining about Dahye being selfish and possessive of Yuna. I'm not writing this so much because I feel people should like her more--everyone has a right to like or dislike Dahye--but to set the record straight about her character and motivations.
I'd like to start off by saying that those who call Dahye selfish, cruel, insensitive, etc. are not wrong. In fact, they are correct in saying so. Dahye is all these things. However, I would like to argue that these traits make Dahye more fascinating a character.
As we have just confirmed in the latest chapter (Chapter 34), Dahye has been trying to process her own feelings for the past ten years. Ever since she was in high school, she gravitated to Yuna for reasons not even she fully understood. Perhaps it was curiosity at first or she wanted to know once and for all if Yuna was purposely stealing boys from the other girls in their grade. Dahye learns that Yuna has a strange power over boys and that she, in fact, does not care for their attention. When Dahye's crush harasses Yuna, Dahye barely hesitates to defend Yuna from him. From there, they forge a powerful friendship where both Yuna AND Dahye's feelings have flourished into something else.
However, where Yuna immediately understands her own feelings and realizes that she is in love with Dahye, Dahye chooses to ignore this development. Again, this is not because she wishes to harm Yuna but because the possibility of having feelings for Yuna is terrifying to her. We know from previous interactions that Dahye is very heteronormative. She may accept other people being gay (as we saw when she caught Jooyoung kissing her girlfriend after work), but NOT for herself.
That being said, when Dahye slowly begins to notice the signs (such as Yuna reading GL comics, having no interest in men at all, saying she prefers Dahye's company over a man's), she begins to more aggressively pursue men. Herein, we start to notice something very interesting about Dahye.
At this point, this is a theory of mine and it is never fully confirmed by this comic: Dahye does not have much interest in men either. Indeed, she has had crushes on them and dates them quite often. However, we slowly start to get the impression that Dahye is dating men because she feels she HAS to.
So, she tricks herself into thinking that her friendship with Yuna is special because Yuna is the litmus test every man must take: if the man she wants does not lose control himself around Yuna, he is Dahye's soulmate.
I am quite convinced, if not certain, that if Dahye were to finally find the perfect man who passed this test, she would not be happy with him.
Not because she doesn't like men, but because her feelings for Yuna will always be stronger. But she has tricked herself for ten years into thinking that she only likes men. She has spent a good portion of those ten years wanting to believe that Yuna is attracted to men. Now that the truth about Yuna being not only gay but in a relationship with another woman has come out, all these illusions she had painstakingly built around herself are crashing down. And she has realized, in the chaos of it all, that her feelings for Yuna are, ultimately, romantic. They might have always been romantic.
When she realizes she is jealous of Joy, she just as quickly realizes she would rather Yuna was with her. It's terribly selfish reasoning and it is insensitive to Yuna's feelings.
Dahye knows this much, but also knows that she has cheated herself this whole time. Her methods are wrong, but they are indicative of the chaotic state she now finds herself in. It's not right, but it's human.
TL;DR: Dahye is only learning about her sexuality now and is acting on instinct at this point. It's messy and ugly, but that makes her all the more interesting. Not likeable, exactly, but definitely relatable.

So hmm do you think Dahye has comphet? Since u said that she is dating men bc she thinks she has to.

I understand why people are frustrated with Dahye, but they seem to think that she's being insensitive on purpose. My hot take is that Dahye is a good person, just misguided and without direction now that she's been forced to make sense of her own feelings. People can hurt themselves and each other in their confusion. It's a human weakness lol

Agreed but they also need think which country Yuna and Dahye been living...Asia country is not easy come out as lesbian. Lucky there still some ppl which is rational here ;)

I'm a bit concerned about how fast this is going. I thought of it as just poor writing at first (it went from very little progress in the story in the first 15+ chapters to Yuna thinking she's falling for Joy, which is textbook bad pacing), but the more I read the comments, the more it seems to be a setup. A lot of people mentioned that Joy might not be endgame because of how often she's been appearing in the past 3-4 chapters. I'm beginning to agree with the conspiracy theories.
Narrative-wise, what motivation does the reader have to hope that Yuna ends up with Joy? I know everyone and their mother has been simping over Joy because she's attractive, but we barely know much about her outside of the fact that she likes 1) work and 2) Yuna, for some reason. She was barely set up in the first several chapters...unlike Dahye and Jooyoung.
I'm not a fan of the possibility of Yuna ending up with Dahye because Dahye is *that* straight girl we all know, but we have to think of the narrative power this unrequited love Yuna has for Dayhe possesses. The "oh no, I'm in love with my childhood friend" trope is an old and powerful narrative artifact and, more often than not, the best friends end up dating by the end of the story. There is a high chance that Yuna will just end up with Dahye, especially now that we got a glimpse of Dahye possibly being jealous of Yuna hanging out with other people. I'd also like to add that Dahye is not a bad person. She can be insensitive at times, as Jooyoung pointed out earlier on in the comic, but she's an overall decent, kind person: she was willing to give Yuna a chance when all the other girls thought Yuna was "seducing" boys, defended her against the boy she liked, and probably cut off a date just to wait for Yuna to wake up after she collapsed drunk in the bus. She's an awesome friend, so, again, high chance she'll sort out her feelings and get with Yuna in the end.
Here is where I'll come clean and say that I absolutely love Jooyoung. The chemistry between her and Yuna is legendary. They have a nice and easy rapport, where Yuna obviously feels comfortable with her when she feels comfortable with no one else. Jooyoung is honest, hilarious, and smooth. She is constantly toeing the line between teasing and flirting with Yuna (it has "the probability of Yuna having sex with Jooyoung is vert low but never zero" type of energy). Yuna went on her first date with a woman because Jooyoung point-blank asked her out. I'm not saying that they should end up together because, at times, the feelings just aren't there, no matter how great the other person is. I just wanted to point out that every time these two have a chapter together, there is great chemistry between them. However, she has the least chance of ending up with Yuna because, well, she's not on the cover. She has no place in this "love triangle", which pains me to say.
Then, we have Joy, who we barely really know as a character. I'm a big fan of her design (butch characters like her are sort of rare in gl, so she's a breath of fresh air), but her character and narrative purpose seems to pale in comparison to the other characters I just mentioned. It could be the author will just rush into having Yuna date Joy, only to make Dahye jealous. Which would suck, to be honest, because I like the idea of Joy. I just wish that we got to learn more about her as a character, instead of a beautiful piece of cardboard.
TL;DR: The relationship between Joy and Yuna is going far too fast. Yuna has more chemistry with Jooyoung and even Dahye. Hope that changes because Joy is great to look at.

Yesss. Very well said! Honestly, at first (when I looked at the cover of this manhwa), I thought Joy was a guy!
I really wish for the character Joy to have some sort of build up, like why is she currently not looking for a relationship? Is she like Mel Sievers who has been burned before? Hmm. It's an unpopular opinion but I really like the "get someone jealous to realize their feelings" trope.
I REALLY REALLY like Jooyoung too, but since she's not even in the cover, I doubt she'll even end up as the one making Dahye jealous. Dahye is most likely end game but I hope it progresses in a way that you would want to root for them.

First off justice for Jooyoung, I love her so much.
Although I wouldn't mind Yuna ending up with Dahye, I really hope its Joy instead. Like you mentioned butch lesbians are few and far between in GL and I adore Joy's character design. I agree that the pacing of this story thus far is really fast (why we goIN SO FUCKIN FAST) and I really hope we learn more about Joy than we do now.
Recently I feel like GL has had some abrupt ending without true closure and I hope that that's not the case with this one. Honestly I just want good things for Yuna <3

Everyone here seems to be split between two camps based on whether Jaeyi or Hyesun are in the wrong. I think it's both and neither at the same time.
Let's start with Hyesun, since the majority of people want to blame her: I think we are lacking any decent context to the way she expresses affection with Jaeyi. On the one hand, many people will not normally kiss their friends. On the other hand, has it ever been confirmed between them that their kissing was supposed to be non-platonic? We never really find that out.
Jaeyi suffers from a pretty debilitating weight of expectations, one that she enforces on others. Hyesun was right in saying that she takes things pretty seriously. Which is not a fault in and of itself, but it definitely becomes one when Jaeyi never communicates said expectations. In other words, she knows what she wants from people, but has that annoying trait of not speaking her mind.
Jaeyi made assumptions in her head about her relationship with Hyesun while Hyesun was oblivious about these assumptions. We see this repeat itself 10 years later with Jaeyi's treatment of Soyoung (sp?).
Soyoung was the one to establish clear boundaries at first. She did not want to overstep as Jaeyi's fan. Jaeyi is the one who tries to seal the distance, both unaccustomed to having a fan and charmed by Soyoung's antics and actions. When Soyoung finally begins to relax and she tells Jaeyi, quite casually, that she would rather choose safety if she was Paule from the play, Jaeyi cuts her off COMPLETELY. She leaves Soyoung in the dark while Soyoung tries to make up all types of excuses for why Jaeyi is treating her this way, but we know it's because Soyoung reminds Jaeyi of Hyesun. But imagine how differently this would have gone if Jaeyi just--I don't know--talked about it?? Instead of being unhealthy and pushing Soyoung away??
I don't hate Jaeyi. In fact, I sympathize with her. Because what teenager isn't going to think that kissing is dating? I never knew anyone could be so densely straight as to think that kissing your best friend didn't come off as a little gay. So, Hyesun should have known better. Frankly, her continuously assuming Jaeyi's heterosexuality, especially after high school, seems obtuse at best and homophobic at worst. So Jaeyi has a right to avoiding Hyesun when she seems pretty toxic (even if she doesn't mean to be).
Similarly, when Soyoung mentioned preferring convention over passion, Jaeyi obviously wanted to avoid another Hyesun situation.
Her behaviour makes sense. In a way, it is relatable. But it puts others around her, as well as herself, in difficult positions where, in the end, no one is happy.
TL;DR: None of this would be happening if they just talked to each other.

your explanation of the issue was so much better explained than mine when i was trying to explain the relationship between hyesun and jaeyi during their high school days. Like i tried to explain their relationship didn't seem like it was talked out with one another and both made a mistake. Jaeyi's mistake was that she just assumed that they were dating while hyesun's mistake seemed to be that she was dense. Idk how other people feel when i say this but i believe there are people in the world who are dense as fuck like or even worse than hyesun. Which is part of the reason why i think verbal communication is little bit more important than the physical communication.

When I tell you I SCREAMED
Aji is only my favourite manhwa author in the world. This is already soaring way beyond expectation. Fantastic art. Exciting premise. Messed up characters. I'm so onboard with this. If anyone knows where I can find this manhwa so I can give Aji all my lifesavings, let me know.

I made a comment earlier defending this manhwa as "not as rapey as some other omegaverse stories". Turns out, I was wrong.
In chapter 11, there is a literal rape scene, in which Minju forces herself on the omega, despite the omega pleading with her to stop. Furthermore, the rape is validated and romanticized when the omega admits that she feels *better* after being forced into a heat and raped.
That being said, I quit this manhwa. This is not to shame those who enjoy media containing non-consensual sex, but the scene was sickening enough for me to drop this manhwa immediately after. I knew I expected to see some problematic/dark elements, knowing the genre of omegaverse, but non-rape omegaverse exists out there. I just assumed this would be one of them.
I suppose I should also let everyone know that Minju has a penis. I saw some uncertainty in the other comments and felt I should throw that out there.

It's strange to read this after rereading White Angels Have No Wings (for the second time). First and foremost, the art is just so different. You would think they switched artists in between if you look at the first page of WAHNW and the last page of White Angels Have No Rest (WAHNR). However, upon rereading the first, you see the subtle changes the artist makes to their style that eventually culminates to what comes at the end of this comic. The transformation is really remarkable.
Secondly, I am floored by the consistency the characters have. Dahye and Yeonhwa have not changed at all. They are the same versions of themselves from highschool, only older with access to more resources. Dahye is still manipulative, viciously cruel, and predatory of the weak to relieve her frustrations (often related to Yeonhwa). Yeonhwa is still obsessive over those who show her any emotional affection, which leads to wildly abusive situations. They may be older, with jobs and commitments, but they are still as unstable as before. They would make for great character studies. Which I will do here because I can't help myself.
I find it very funny that, in the Season 1, Dahye was freaked out by Yeonhwa being a lesbian only to grow into...well, this, in the Season 2. It makes one wonder if she was always naturally attracted to girls or if she just obsesses over Yeonhwa to the point of finding people (women) who could replace her to relieve her own sexual traumas. Either way, Dahye ended up becoming Yeonhwa in this webtoon: a predator.
Which speaks to the complexity of human emotion and how muddled things can become when we work through our trauma. As much as I hated Dahye in the first comic, there is no denying that her experiences at the hands of Yeonhwa have deeply, permanently scarred her. Only to willingly allow a sexual assault in the first comic and later to enact multiple assaults in this one, thus facilitating the same scars upon others.
But see, the kicker is that Dahye was always a foil of Yeonhwa: Dahye was always a predator. Just, not a sexual predator, at first. Yeonhwa has pointed this out on more than one occasion: this strange desire to see others in pain that is in Yeonhwa is also in Dahye. They are the same character with very different mannerisms and backgrounds and personalities, but the foundations of their selves are rooted in seeing people suffer. It is how they survive their otherwise mundane lives.
Yeonhwa tortures Dahye because she is bored. Dahye tortures, well, everyone, because she is bored. This is a characteristic that has always been in them. Yeonhwa's sister has pointed out this much about Yeonhwa.
Dahye, however, likes to pretend that her upbringing was what messed her up, but this is a very Dahye thing to do: to deflect blame from herself and to hold others accountable for her shortcomings. It could very well be that Dahye is only using her stressful upbringing as an excuse to harm others. In fact, I am quite sure of it. Of course, because she is attractive, rich, and a great actor, people are very easily fooled, Minhye included.
I could go on about these characters. They are such horrible people. But that is what makes them so fascinating; they are convincingly horrible people. They are not cariacatures of evil, but girls who grew into women with overtly sadistic streaks. Kudos to Gado for making these compelling, terrible, yet somehow likeable, characters.

I usually hate Omegaverse stories, but I read the ten chapters on mang@d3x already (in Spanish - I had to painstakingly translate everything in Google Translate) when I was bored. It's a very standard Omegaverse story that doesn't offer anything new outside of the f/f central pairing. Art is palatable.
Problem that someone else brought up was that consent is dubious at best, especially in some later scenes. Proceed with caution since the writer seems to almost romanticize it. Also, consent is sketchy in Omegaverse in general since it relies on a power structure where "Omegas" are often forced into subservience by their "Alphas". This story does not deter from this trope.
Anyway, it's fine, if not mediocre. Looking forward to reading the rest of it in English.

Yeah, I was disappointed too. However, I don't think I would go as far as to say that it's as harmful as some BL or m/m ones could be where there is just outright violent sexual assault. This webtoon is implicitly rapey, but not overtly.
It's the first Omegaverse GL I've seen translated from Korean, so it's unique. If that outweighs what I've outlined above, you might be able to stomach it. I only read it because it's different by yuri standards and doesn't focus on teenage girls.

Hi DeeDee, I just felt I should update you on something I said. I know I said that this manhwa is not as harmful as other omegaverse comics, but that all changes in the later chapters. I have since dropped this comic. I'm not telling you to stop reading, just that it is far, far from progressive. It was a pleasure discussing this with you though. Be well!
This webtoon could have been better. I think the author has talent and is trying their hand at writing a romance like this, but they seemed to have stumbled to the finish line. From the beginning, people already called out that Joy and Yuna were going to break up because their relationship was rushed. Now Yuna's relationship with Dahye is rushed. There was so little build-up for either relationship that it makes this GL especially underwhelming. I rushed through the end because I just wanted to get the reading done and over with.
I think what's most annoying is Dahye's behaviour and how it is rewarded at the end. She lashes out at Yuna and Joy at every instance the moment she finds out that they used to date. Even when she knows they broke up, Dahye snaps at Joy. It's pretty disappointing, knowing that Yuna ends up with Dahye who has shown herself to be irrationally jealous. She's a 26 year-old woman acting like a teenager and I got embarrassed the more I read her side of the story. She doesn't have to act perfectly, but her inability to sit down and talk to Yuna like an adult is what throws me off. The worst part is that Yuna just tolerates it when she realizes that Dahye likes her back.
I don't say this because I wanted Yuna to end up with Joy or something (I didn't care who she ended up with since they wrote Jooyoung out of the story), but because so much could have been done about the characters: Joy could have been better fleshed out, Dahye could have learned that she doesn't OWN Yuna's affection and attention, and Yuna could have grown a spine and told Dahye that her behaviour was harmful. Instead, we got two rushed, half-baked relationships, neither of which are as compelling and passionate as they could have been.
Hoping that the author of Unrequited Love Skill writes more GL. They have a knack for building suspense and tension. The art is quite beautiful and I loved to see butch rep. It's their romance that needs work. Because this could have been much, much better than what we got in the end.
well said.. this manhwa has a lot of potential.. such a waste that they had to rush its ending.
I agree with you. After the way Yuna treated Jooyoung, I stopped caring about this whole thing. I like Joy as a character, although she was put on a pedestal as the perfect/ideal character, she shows that she is a grown adult woman. I was actually hoping for Joy and Yuna to break up just because Yuna is way too selfish and immature to give any mature person a healthy relationship.
I don't even care about Dahyee, she lacked development but that's also because we saw the whole story from Yuna's view and Dahye didn't get enough time to be properly developed.
But Yuna though....holly hell. Just absolutely no development at all in 40 chapters! Throughout the story, she used and dumped 2 people like a hot potato without batting an eye. In the end, she wasn't even 100% sure that Dahye liked her back and she just right away dumped Joy. This is extremely bad behaviour to have, for the person themselves and for those around them.
A good ending would've been for Yuna to actually just break up with Joy and NOT end up with Dahye and give her the chance to grow as a person.
I can't understand the people calling Yuna cute...people like Yuna are just toxic to have in life. The people who do shit to others without thinking, never learning or changing yet they're accepted because they're ''naive'' and ''innocent''.
sorry, was a little ranty to your well thought out comment but Yuna is such a disappointment that I'm actually angry at myself for being angry at this horribly written character lmao
No need to apologize. Your rant actually added some important points about Yuna's character. I didn't want to get too much into it, but you are absolutely right in saying that Yuna's character left a lot to be desired. 40 chapters and no development is pretty impressive (in a bad way).
I wish there was a dialogue about Yuna's weird attraction to Dahye. Sure, Dahye's brother and Jooyoung pointed it out, but Yuna herself never realizes how much of a hindrance it is to her personal development. She has never gone on a date with another woman. She gets jealous of Dahye's friends. It makes for a boring, flat character with no hobbies outside of pining for her straight best friend.
I could go on, but I don't want to make this too long. Just wanted to say you're right and that you shouldn't be angry at yourself for expecting good quality stories lol