Lightmare followed question about question

Growing up I never thought I'd make it to 18, but here I am 19 and still alive. I've struggled with suicidal ideation and stuff which explains my way of thinking back then. And I'm not fully "cured" or whatever now, but even aside from that I just can't imagine myself growing old. I was watching an anime earlier and someone in the comments started ......

3 days
Lightmare followed question about going to concerts

Can be manhwa/manhua/manga

27 days
Lightmare followed question about make a picrew THIS IS SO CUTE AND DETAILED make ur own couple heh ;D

28 days
Lightmare followed question about tried to kill yourself

I did a year ago, but last night my sister asked me have I tried to kill myself, and I said yes. She’s really down lately and considering it a couple times too. I wonder why I never realized it before.

29 days
Lightmare followed question about i think i like women

Who do you think is the best written antagonists?

02 06,2024
Lightmare followed question about question

We all know the most toxic male leads but who are the best?

20 05,2024
Lightmare followed question about question

I can't sgop. I can't get help

12 05,2024
Lightmare followed question about question

Because I think most of us grew up thinking, that everything has a good ending. So, what story made you realized that that was not true?

11 05,2024
Lightmare followed question about stanning a kpop group

Is you as a contestant in produce 101 (a kpop survival show) Will people vote for you? (Bringing this back cause I can lol)

09 05,2024
Lightmare followed question about question

What are some gender stereotypes that you just don't like or just generally don't understand for me I hate alot of gender stereotypes I just find them completely dumb especially when their about colors. It makes me so annoyed when I hear people in general say “Boys can't like pink it's for girls” or “Girls can't like blue it's for boys” I......

09 05,2024
Lightmare followed question about question
Lightmare followed a list
15 04,2024
Lightmare followed question about question

It got me thinking, is it some psychology behind being obssesed with lovers like mafia bosses, fighters, demon kings? In real life my taste is quite opposite, the agressive guys with full of themself are giving me headache. But when it comes to stories I always loved villans with soft side for lover.

30 03,2024
Lightmare followed question about fetishes and kinks

I personally belive I'm asexual, but I really love reading yaoi and stuff of that sort, fictional stuff mostly, not too interested in RL. So, talking not as much of about personal fetishes, but rather fetishes you like stories/manga about, what is a rare favorite? Mine would be boy's with pussies (idk a good word for pussy :/) Kind of similar t......

16 03,2024
Lightmare followed question about question

What’s some scenes in Manwha/manga that literally made your jaw drop like an audible gasp came out

10 03,2024