I despise Kim Ho's brother but if he can make Sirang (who is less of an @$$hole but still an @$$hole) grow up I'm all for him appearing. Edit: But to the people who downvoted and those who downvote in future sadly you just confirmed my expectations that more people love bullying children to remain the same and not grow up. T.
Actually yes it is the problem. Sirang is the most childish out of all of them except for the brother. Ho had every reason to try and get a photo back that was taken without HIS permission. And Sirang equates that to being used and playing it off as if he's the victim, especially when he knows the other guy just had a traumatic experience. He's not the victim. And he's just a childish bully. T. A.
So glad the first maid Red told trashy piece of shit Emperor some home truths. But I guess he can't stand hearing them. So much for fulfilling his dream when he's just too 'stupid' to figure out that he's doing the exact OPPOSITE of their dream. Hope his balls get cut off with a rusty knife, slowly.
Seriously? Other readers either can't read properly or they think something as complex as sexsomnia is easily recognizable by two very naive young adults even when the majority of them, themselves, didn't even understand what it was, for a long time. Ironic. The author has not only been slowly revealing the characters' hidden thoughts and motivations (I guess most people just miss subtlety on here? Even though they're the ones getting p!ssed about the lack of it. Yeah, yeah sorry for telling the truth) but also how they are slowly getting suspicious something isn't right (I guess people on here are superhuman: for e.g. I wouldn't know to ask my parents a question about a vacation they're going on when I didn't even know they WERE going on one. But apparently all other readers on here can read minds). Ktbn.
some one who actually understands the situation.
Its very frustrating when people think its a simple thing, like Dowan thinks hes being used for his body atm and Chamin is asleep like how tf do ppl think they will just know instantly.
Also i didnt even know sexsomnia was a thing before i read this so i would probably would be as confused as they are.
Other people who are reading this story don't seem to have a clue what it's telling them. Novels don't drastically change just because one event unfolds differently from the rest. It's the same reason authors will make minor changes to a story but the plot will play out exactly the same while making major changes just as Raeliana is afraid of doing will often leave the plot in tatters. Ktbn.