I really like E's ex neighbour. He was in love with him and now he's really a good friend: he's not trying to take advantage of the situation to win E and he's giving good advice and help. He basically saying "Taeu has been a huge jerk, but he loves you and that's the reason he wants to protect you, not (only) because his pheromones drive him" and then "scolding" Taeu (and receiving two beats) is so sweet to me

In the present, Gale having to ask to Kyle for love advice is kind of fun and deserved, and Robin giving Gale an hard time is simply right, even if it had been only for the years of separation.
In the past, Gale having sent him away to protect him is understandable and Gale having fucked around is realistic since they weren't a couple.
I also can force myself not to think to the cameras hidden inside the gifts, but... the rape... days of rape... You can't aton for that just with him being upset for a while and you being respectful only from now on.

This chapter could be used in dictionaries to show the meaning of "emotional roller-coaster"... So many things in only one chapter, so important things in only one chapter.
I need time to elaborate it even if I have had a clue about it by reading some comments beforehand.
I feel like it could/should be like the beginning of a new season/arc, with Taeju atoning and E staying by his side and waiting for him to feel worth.

I just hope the MC completely spills his guts with his blonde friend, who seems to be a caring person with a strong personality, so that the blonde can understand that ML actually loves MC and then decides to go to have an hard chat with him.
Something like: "I don't give a fuck if you have some kind of psychological diagnosed issue as MC told me, that's not a justification anymore. Just start behaving like a real fucking adult since you're faking to be it. Get a grip on yourself: you don't like him as a friend, you love him. And, yes, you're not straight, likely bisex either. You're gay and you love him. Face that, accept that, confess your love and then start behaving like a good boyfriend instead of a jerk manipulative too-clingy controlling false victim!"
I can't see any other way to change their situation. Anyone else knows it and MC is too weak to speak up for himself.

I just don't get why Director don't (want to) tell his friend that Mr An is his boyfriend. I mean, I would understand if he was a stranger or an acquaintance, but since he's an old friend, just tell him. So we (and they) could find out if his friend would be a total jerk and would try to "steal" Mr An also knowing that.
I thought the blond would have been more cautious and "sneaky" about his interest for his friend. I think it works out better in that way anyway: we are already into the more interesting part of the season: French stylish older bear vs Korean cute younger bear, with baker and secretary as judges!