Oh my God, Glenn, need I to teach you everything? You were about to go to bed, weren't you? So, open your shirt more... And if you are so concerned about her legs getting tired, why the hell you make her to stand there as if you are in a rush to end your meeting? Make her to enter your room and sit...

Am I too a jerk for wishing the blond guy to suffer?
I can't go over the fact that he has been knowing his friend/secretary has been loving him since ages and still dragged him with himself to chase after his own childhood crush.
I'm rooting for them to be a couple, but only after some struggle for the blondie

So happy to see Dan straightening his back and refusing J's offer, so sad to see J still thinking Dan is buyble.
I didn't expect Dan to be strong enough to reject J since he's overwhelmed by sorrow, I didn't expect J to have a so low consideration for Dan even if he still doesn't get his own feelings for him

I can get why Dan feels lonely, since he knows his beloved grandma will die (soon, likely and sadly). I can also get why he feels culprit, even if actually he has no guilty at all, because he's a responsible sweet person. But even with all of that, please author doesn't make him to forgive J too soon. Dan knows how true love is, thanks to his grandma. He should stick to that and do not be weak with J just because he's sad, angry, hated: he has deserved all of that. J needs to apologize and behave lovely, then apologize and behave lovely again, and again and again before deserving just a little bit of Dan's love.
...for supposing that Ceasar'd have stopped his sexual approach seeing Lee full of bruises, knowing how he treated him badly and having decided to start to behave just a little bit as a caring boyfriend..?
Let's see how the next chapter will be... I hope Lee will be able to stop him this time.