lowkey wanted her to get with Juan (● ̄(エ) ̄●) was it just me?
man I was feeling a tad sad abt the duke's execution but I still thought he kinda deserved it
It feels so wrong that they end up tgt like even though they're shown to be happy in the end I feel like the entire story established that they didn't have a healthy relationship and a really flawed view of love....
I have to say thought this was a RIDE, I was not expecting all that at all... It was a pleasant surprise but also a lot to take in? Man the reveal of the timeline after her death was so tragic.. rip Vicente you suffered so much...
kind of a bittersweet ending for me

Enjoyed it but...
Am I the only one that felt heejae's POV was unnecessarily long... Especially because it didn't add *that* much to the story (since seyong never rly found out heejae's initial intention) other than revealing that he (heejae) was initially pursuing seyong out of revenge but I felt like they could've covered that in much fewer chapters
It just felt like a repetition of the entire story.

I reread this 2 weeks ago and I can’t not agree. It was a bit useless to repeat the earlier parts of the story but his POV in the latter part is so well done and what sets it apart from a lot of similar BLs. We get to see him falling in love in spite of himself. It was essential to the story rising above your average identity confusion story. Of which I have read quite a bit.
that was nice but rip his ambitions to become a politician lol where did that go