But here we are.
How DARE that trash ask the trash maid to BURN DOWN a house that is not even theirs. Now anyone please correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that Giselle's families estate? Not just some random house that was bought after they got married. All the MONEY that sitting on that house, valuables, perhaps heirlooms just GONE, what does Giselle have left?? Omg I'm just fuming rn
There's just something about their dynamic that still feels so....rapey?¿
I'm not saying Morinaga is a rapist or anything like that but their dynamic is still so like push and pull I still wonder sometimes if they're even properly dating even though I know they, right guys?
From what other readers have said senpai has mellowed out but honestly I don't see it, he's still so tsun tsun and in denial, and if it was me y'all I wouldn't wanna be in a relationship where my love isn't reciprocated, and not just that, but not having certain bedroom acts being reciprocated as well
Well some acts are reciprocated for example senpai has initiated a few kisses with morinaga and he even rode him until completion. The only thing he has done back is a bj