The side story between Gyerin x Jooyeun is out!
I'm scared for the Woongyung and Minho side story tho.... It's what happens to Minho after the last chapter of the manga and I wanna know but at the same time, I don't.

I understand him, but the poor child tho.... Like, it makes me uncomfortable... If he really does abort I'll be sad tbh... My weak heart can't- XD

Can you calm down? I'm just saying that it's alive, so it doesn't matter the age or anything. I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm just saying MY OPINION. I'm not judging people who want to abort/have aborted. I'm not trying to make them feel bad, I'm saying that -I- feel sad for it, you don't have to be.... It's my opinion, I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion too, I'm just saying how I feel, do I not have the right to? You don't have to get all angry about it because someone thinks differently than you...

People, just warning, this is the sweetest Doona is going to be for the rest of this manga. Don't get too happy that she "understood" what consent is.....

Yeah... And I'm sick of people saying he deserved it. Like, why did he deserve it? All he did was being overly proud and kind of a jerk, but like... I don't understand, lol. No one should go through this... If Doona or Woongyung just beat him or smth, that's fine... But raping him is just too much and a crime as well...

That's some psychology there, man... His father cheated on his mother with another man, now he was cheating on his girlfriend with another man. It's realistic really. Kids often end up doing similar things, or even the same things, that their parents did... I don't feel bad for him or anything, it's just that it's sad how real-life people end up in the same mess as their parents did sometimes...
In my language baba means grandma. I can't take the manga seriously sometimes because my brain is like "He's literally calling him Mr. Grandma" lolll XD
Sorry if I ruined it for someone else too XD
oh yeah same im just like
wait a damn minute
wHyYyYY(╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Ikrrr XD
Baba means dad in my language. I'm just. No. (⊙…⊙ )
Loll, I know that it also means dad in some language, but grandma is just funny XD But yes, him calling him dad is just awkward XD
oh dear..(⊙…⊙ )
In my second language it means saliva ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Lollllllll XD
Baba means dad in my language and I am just like (⊙…⊙ )