saeri98 March 14, 2025 6:08 pm

I like the fact that they have very average heights 172 and 175. I think we usually get a tall or short person. There are also many characters of average height that are insecure of it so this was refreshing to see. I also liked the way he melted in his boyfriend's arms when he was stroking his hair in last chapter it was so adorable and soft.

saeri98 March 7, 2025 3:35 pm

Some of you are unironicly blaming her for running away. She is a nations princess and had the responsibility of protecting her nation and this guy is an ENEMY. he was blocking her connection with her brother and was planning on confining her there forever and keeping her uninformed about her brother.
Did you forget she just slept with him to survive? Did we read the same story or you just looked at the pictures while making another story in your imaginations?

saeri98 February 17, 2025 5:43 pm

misunderstanding and miscommunication is so repeated in this manhwa I'm not even pissed it's just comedy to me now

saeri98 February 16, 2025 9:36 am

I read comments saying it wasn't pedo because they didn't have sex while seme was a minor.
Well uke saw seme 6 years ago and he was an adult and his teacher. Seme had his coming of age ceremony and just turned into an adult. Coming of age ceremonies are usually held between 16-20 so they met when seme was 10-14. In official chapter 3 page 23while drinking he had this thought "I can't believe I'm just sitting here and drinking with my old first love at this rate" an adult was in love with a 10-14 year old. Do you see that as normal?
Uke had sex with people who looked like seme the 10-14 little boy he hadn't seen in 6 years.
Also uke was sexually harassed at first so here's your warning before you traumatize yourself.

saeri98 January 14, 2025 10:07 am

It was so healthy so understandable. Their characters were so believable and you could see the development. I also liked how they took their time for the sexual things.

saeri98 December 26, 2024 7:26 am

I can't stand this amount of unnecessary violence
Why is he pulling her hair why is he slapping her? I know she was never loved in her past life and won't really get right and wrong in this relationship but his older brother is a freaking adult if you claim to love her and care for her you wouldn't hit her even as a warning even for "her own good". You could blame yourself all you want for your incompetence but what is your excuse for hitting a 10 years old??? really hate normalized violence what a pity I liked her character

    yuukisakura January 27, 2025 7:34 am

    Yes... Like he could just hold her shoulder like hard, tremble a little then angry/hurt/sad face while saying she should never say such a thing and belittle her safety etc... Like there is a way to get the feeling across without b slapping her.. And the pulling her hair part is just... Lol wtf was that? Is that just a means tu justify toto n and the maid to have knife on his throat to show patty is the lady boss here? This story is a bit of a hit and miss for me.. Might come back just to pass the time

saeri98 December 18, 2024 6:16 am

chins are so pointy they look like jafar in aladdin

saeri98 December 16, 2024 8:56 am

The change of art style made everyone look better but the blue haired guy who wanted to be a rapper he was so handsome he is still handsome but he was something else in the early chapters

saeri98 December 13, 2024 11:57 am

I wasn't satisfied I expected much more from this story the early chapters nearly made me cry but it went downhill I had so much hope for a deep story about his emotions and their relationship.

    Watervibezz January 4, 2025 2:53 am

    Honestly I think they went the comedy route it's still good though

saeri98 December 13, 2024 6:14 am

The last comment in chapter 26 "this is how people turn gay" just killed me.

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