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Bl that made my stomach get tingles (136) 2023-11-14 0

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Somebody You don't Know November 6, 2023 2:53 am

Those muscles

Somebody You don't Know November 4, 2023 2:19 pm

Step 1: Get some bleach
Step 2: Get some salt
Step 3: Go get the Bible
Step 4: Go outside
Step 5: Put salt into bleach
Step 6: Pray
Step 7: Put bleach into ears and eyes
Step 8: Pray again and look straight into the sun.

    No one November 4, 2023 5:29 pm

    the only thing that will erase is my eyesite

    Kana Soba December 16, 2023 4:18 pm
    the only thing that will erase is my eyesite No one

    Thas one way to erase your sins

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Photo from kinky 12-05 23:24
Photo from 18 11-11 18:50

Somebody You don't Know's message board ( All 0 )

For some reason I really like it when uke's cry during sex....should I go to therapy? I also like strong women with abs, they can step on me, I will literally BARK for them, It's non-negotiable. I don't read long shit, but I will read some 300 hundred chapter manga/manwha if it's interesting. I have a lot of want to reads because I'm just too lazy. I'll be wide awake from 9:00-3:00 or less, it depends. Certified Visual Kei and Kikou fan.
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