damn that was a good yap
I am so disturbed that I had to log in on my tab get my keyboard out. (I was reading on my phone) I need to get these damn thoughts out
I am just in shock. like i'm not even tryna dramatic (i am) but what the fuck is this. what the fuck bro. that was so fucking weird.
I dunno where to fucking start.
let's start it with why in the flying fuck is everyone so fucking loud? they're so damn talkative bro. and at the early stages of this damn story too. they don't fucking shut up. almost like i can't distinguish between them. they all have the same damn mouth.
Give me a fucking moment, shut your trap, and just let a damn narration do the paragraphs. let a narrator do the fucking telling.
and I dunno bro ha. i dunno if this story is too advance for me but why in the actual fuck are they always talking about the damn seashore trade, the war, and their fucking political standpoint.
1st noh... how in the fuck will the first fucking prince get his shine when everyone in the fucking kingdom know goddamn well he went to the fucking war himself that's why he fucking got injured. if the damn king will be the fucking one choosing the damn heir why in the fuck does is so fucking worried what the public thinks (they're a fucking monarchy) when he has his own merit and seriously anyone with a fucking brain knows that the other prince is nothing but a figurehead.
a damn announcement doesnt do shit the fucking soldiers knew who fucking went. its mental to me how this was the topic they discussed so seriously like what the fuck what fuck what the fuck. yeah I wrote that three fucking times, and here's another what the fuck for good measure.
correct me if i'm wrong because at that point of the story I was fucking shit-faced with all he fucking talking bruh.
Anyway, picture this, you intentionally walked behind a stranger and talked about how apples in asia are significantly smaller than apples in the west and maybe it's because of the west scientific breakthrough's and further talked about it's implication to importation and people's health and all this because the stranger briefly touched an apple. if that's not subtle smart bragging idk what that is.
A stranger. A slight touch to the butt. opened up a can of worms in her mouth that otherwise she refuses to let out in the face of her ONLY BLOOD relative that fortunately FAVORS her.
but get this bruh (man am tired) if you're a soldier with a sword longer than your forearm would you really hide it on your back while sitting with a cloak on? you were back from a war and is still vigilant because of its affect on you (he was also a great war hero. come on now) how fucking slow was that reaction to a miss wearing a full dress that dragged through the ground, mind you fabrics rub against each other ps it's not quiet, climbing on the little hill he was on.
Anyway, it was so bizarre the way it tried so hard to have a casual "witty" conversation. I was almost suffocated by the tightness of the way the author made it went through just for it to make fucking sense. but in the end, it was so fucking weird my soul was almost drained.
and you see that theme throughout the damn 10 chapters. JUST 10 chapters in.
I'm tired what made me do this?
Anyway (I'm out of energy I'm hungry and dehydrated) it was so fucking dramatic how that damn dog of the prince literally had to support himself with the wall just because he found out the girl wasn't as smart as her half sister.
But you can't tell me bruh that what he asked about wasn't discussed and she didn't have an opinion on. they were the third something closest lion shit of the imperial family she had a bunch of tutors and fuck, their education isn't like the educaton in fucking schools on earth they were heirs and top students so surely the topic was gonna be fucking politics along with their standpoint in the fucking market world. that would've been on the test that SHE PASSED. Passed a TOP "university" at that.
if the school solely runs on merit alone there was no fucking way she was dumb as fuck as she was portrayed to be. okay let's say she's fucking dumb. no fucking way man fuck off, a kid borne out of a good gene pool raised in a wealthy environment they may be nasty but no way dumb.
that got me feeling shitty. it was all over the place. the characters. what the author really wanted them to be.
Again, it's trying so hard. It's so in the face. it loses the essence of story-telling of letting stories reveal itself. i mean it is the story and it is revealing itself but idk man it feels off.
i'm tired.
I just want to say I was here for the flirting but honestly I think it's just gonna be subtle and HIGHKEY smart bragging, "witty" banter, and all the ways in the world to say the MC is a genius despite just wanting to live a lowkey life of an apothecary.
the MC that:
1. didn't want pay for some reason but is tryna build a business but also don't want to ask her dad for money.
2. the MC that is positive someone is a soldier with a mere brushing of hand in their butt.
3. the MC that wrote a fuck you note to ruin her sister's shit but was also scared of her stepmother's threat as a reaction to her competing with her daughter.
I am slowly forgetting so I will end it here.
Make up your minds when you start a damn story it's so fucking hard to draw at least make it a damn good plot.
Look at me acting so perfect and mighty lol cause I have not give out something that can be in scrunity if I had I probably wouldnt be so reckless with my words but alas this is here
dont mind this.. like actually dont mind people saying shit because people say anything about your stuff anyway its not like you can stop them so just keep creating and through creating tons of shit you'll definitely create a gold mine.
shit workS are still works that can propel you to greatness. this wasn't even that shitty honestly. my word count for the day was just low. i had to yap.