I say dasurv. Ah, what a shitty prince. Not even a consolation.
Yeah, she was a maid but those were years of intimate nights. Even I would have folded. Even going as far as calling her wife. Saying everyone knows it by now. Bro was doing lip service all along. Must’ve figured sex was better if he got her all swooned and sweet.
Such a sad thing. To find out the love you thought was mutual was something they could easily discard. What a shitty feeling. It really is. Fuck that.
Use that dick til its all shriveled up.
It is nice to see her get revenge. I wish she could do physical harm to the princess tho but I guess emotional scarring is okay too.
Pregnant or not. The one who sinned doesn’t really get a say in what form of retaliation the victim will take.
What a shitty life though. Lived in service of others. Loved? Maybe. Killed. (Fuck that shit)
Not even a moment of peace. An afterlife full of sorrow and revenge.
There should be a lesson somewhere. Or maybe not. It exists but it doesn’t have to have meaning. Not everything has to be… anything or logic-driven. Sometimes, it exist because it’s a human-ly thing. Flawed and trying. Sometimes I fail to remember that not everything has to have some kind of meaning. It’s just… yours. Simply your story to tell.