Rose March 1, 2024 6:28 am

I am sleep-deprived. I havent slept since yesterday. But I wanted to say damn. nothing happened.

So Dan
is weak-willed
is spineless
is a damsel in distress

a confused ass doctor. You're telling me he studied for a job that needs connection and yet is meek like that? Surely there are introverts

but in his old age? Not a lick of social knowledge?

Not even a character development? Do you need to go to war Dan just so you can come back a man? Wait you're Korean. Right. Not even that helped huh

I am so tired of him. Or maybe I am tired and so when I read that i got tired of him. I didn't have it in me to be understanding. You're telling me he followed that man cause he knows where his grandma is? Tell me the thouhght process in this one. Just tell me because when I was readimg that I was so out of it that I stared at them sitting at a cafe for like a minute. Just PAUSE. No thoughts. PAUSE. What was the reason Dan??? And he was like weighing his options with the guy. DUDE (wait what was his name again the seme something liek Dokja no way ? Jaekyung I looked at the comments)


JAEKYUNG paid your debt yet he out there sitting with this guy weighing stuff you got no stuff to weigh you're sold bro. At least until you serviced the money he paid or something. Anyway, that was unbelievable for me. I could have let that passed but I am so sleepy I couldnt.

His thought process, too. goddang. What are you a teenager? this was my problem with BJ Alex too, the uke got away wih a lot of cruel things he did but the seme getting crucified burnt on the comments. Mans got his seme out of his career bruh idk what yall thoughts on that but you mess with my income I will smack you the fuck up. And all of that because he had a misunderstanding that seme loves another man but whats it to him he wasnt anything in the semes life and the seme made it so fucking clear to him too.


This kindergarten grade ass level of thinking should be banned. Speak UP boy.

I dont even remeber anything about Jaekying right now. So this is about Dan. Mans ticked somehting inside of me following that weird ass guy. Ypu gotta be some fucking naive just born out of your mothers vagina to be following some stranger that has like an INSIGNIFICANT INFORMATION

he knows where his grandmas in? Goddang I must follow. what a fucking idiot

    teh_Sanders March 1, 2024 8:54 am

    Ma'am you are hilarious

    Empowered Guardian March 1, 2024 2:42 pm

    u know what while i don’t agree w the ‘don’t leave JK bc you were sold to him’ i agree w the he is naive as hell bit… though what the guy is offering is a cure from the united states for his grandma

Rose February 29, 2024 10:57 pm

Wait... is that really him?

    Lu lu February 29, 2024 11:04 pm

    Who is "him"?

    Rose February 29, 2024 11:15 pm
    Who is "him"? Lu lu

    I can't remember his name (goddamn) but the chairman. I just thought he looks different. It may be just because I haven't read this for quite some time now.

    Ah.. Shimatta March 1, 2024 12:08 am
    I can't remember his name (goddamn) but the chairman. I just thought he looks different. It may be just because I haven't read this for quite some time now. Rose

    Lol, yes it's Sejun, the MC. he just cuts his hair

    Lu lu March 1, 2024 1:09 am
    Lol, yes it's Sejun, the MC. he just cuts his hair Ah.. Shimatta

    Yeah the mother rabbit cut it for him (≧∀≦)

Rose February 29, 2024 10:53 pm

Dang that was good!

Dang this is so good... Nov 3, 2021

Idk what to say before idk what to say now lololol

Rose February 29, 2024 8:54 pm

So am in chap 68 and I am always thinking about this kind of stuff I can't help it okayyy??


My mind can't just stay still and focus on the story IT WAS BECAUSE her face on the beginning of chap 68 looks like she had tummy problems. Oh ghad okay I will continue reading now.

Rose February 21, 2024 3:25 pm


Rose February 18, 2024 7:15 pm

So I watched the anime again and ep 29-30 is really such a hard watch. Especially Mjurran. And that fight with that Saint something that wanted to avenge Miss the one that gave the mask (how have I watched this anime more than 5 times and still couldnt remember the names )

anyway, I am just so frustrated. I didn’t even watched it properly. The rage. Oh god. THE RAGE. I just wanna-

Anyway, Mjurran is acting like her death is what will settle everyone. YOUR PUNY INSIGNIFICANT FUCKING LIFE IN EXCHANGE FOR A FUCKING TOWN???!!! She gotta be fucking delusional. She was like alright kill me and be done with your rage. no. I WILL TORTURE YOU GET RID OF YOUR FINGERNAILS ONE BY ONE KANEKI KEN STYLE.



I am just so mad like Mjurran is like literally in front of me right now (she on pause. Stopped watching to comment) standing like a fucking saint like … and she’s like you’ll know when you see it.. YOU’LL KNOW WHEN YOU SEE IT???????? BOY IF I WAS THERE I WILL BE JUMPING YOU. I’m so mad. Like I wanna kill her so bad.

Feeling like a martyr like some sacrificing saint.. just to save Youm and the other guy. I WANNA HURL. IM SO MAD. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS EVEN WHERE IS THIS SELF IMPORTANCE COMING FROM???? It’s so bad. They were protecting her.I mean I truly dont care but GODDAMN JUST FUCKING HURT MJURRAN BRO I WANT HER TO BE SLAP BY EVERY CITIZEN OF THAT TOWN THAT DIED.

So delusional thinking her death is all that. THEY DONT EVEN KNOW YOU LIKE THAT

Anyway, beats me. Not only they forgive Mjurran I mean technically she’s so insignificant that it’s not all her doing with that Monster Weakening Magic plus her heart is with Clayman but making Youm that absolutely brain fog headed guy the king? You’ve got to be kidding me surely there are better candidates. He’s so lucky. What did he even do? He just found Rimuru and now he’s gonna be part of the history books. Idk bro something about Youm and his stupidity over protecting this girl wich at that time they had no idea that she’s fucking irrelevant in all pf this (I mean she is relevant but not in the way it had her acting). They thought she had major role in this and protected her. They thought and knew she was the tool that killed the whole town and was protecting her. You’re telling the Youm that did that. That was going to sacrifice his life to protect a murderer (in his mind) is going to lead a country? Bro… and not only that Rimuru at the end of it all was assuring Mjurran. Like. I understand freeing her from Clay but like saying that she didnt have the choice. She wasnt controlled. She just chose herself to live. And so she did what Clay wanted her to do otherwise she dies.

She’s not a victim. Well, she is. But, she was not completely blameless. She was willing to sacrifice herself to save Youm but not the whole town. All right. Yay?

Anyway, my anger is faded now. This Episode 31 is so sick. To me it’s so disgusting and they are all acting like saints. You’re telling me a whole town died and not even one of them has any right to express their anger? Bro I would even accept if they all jump Mjurran cause that’s what it is. She is likely to get jumped than not. But she escapes this scratch free. Oh don’t mind Shion laying there on the cement alongside the whole town, dead. Oh it’s okay. People we’ve been for years was unnecessarily killed, it happens al the time. It’s best if we remain calm.

Yeah, sure.

    forg February 26, 2024 3:19 am

    Nah literally none of them retaliated or even tried to, they just let mjurran go. I'd straight up kill her if shion stayed dead like bro you had a choice

    Aaa February 26, 2024 5:40 am

    I literally couldn’t read or watch that part. Had to skip because of the rage I felt

    simply absurd February 26, 2024 9:21 am

    That's the arc I always skip because of the rage and angst I felt.
    I always jump to went Rimuru annihilated the entire army.

    Jahii February 26, 2024 1:55 pm

    Omg I thought I was in the minority when I hated that part and those three (especially Mjurran). Wasn't satisfied at all when that arc ended( ̄へ ̄)

    tipss June 5, 2024 10:02 am

    Exactly!!! Thank you for speaking my mind!!

Rose February 7, 2024 5:52 am

OHMYGHAD IS EVAN GONNA BE THE ML????? Gc gjzfararaurstksktskgzlgxgsktsktskfssotstxtlsroa NO WAY??????… so I read the comment below and got spoiled :) was just here to complain

    mari-san February 11, 2024 3:13 am

    Idk if you Stan Evan or not but let me impose my thoughts on you: JEFFREY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Evan

    Rose February 11, 2024 3:45 am
    Idk if you Stan Evan or not but let me impose my thoughts on you: JEFFREY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&... mari-san

    I LOVE JEFFREY HAHAHAHAHA I just thought at that time that Evan was going to be the ml (got me worried) cause ... i honestly don't remember .. but then I got spoiled that Jeffrey will be the ml so ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Rose January 23, 2024 9:56 pm

I wrote a long ass comment... sometimes, when stuff like this happens I kinda wanna kms. anyway..AAAAAAAAAAA


I don't know where to begin. My mood has soured lololol...

Anyway, it's 4:34 am and after days of reading I finally am in the latest chap. because my mood is kinda not like what it was when I began writing this comment. I might nitpick this story even though I came out of reading this quite satisfied. so where was I?

pretty awesome honestly. I mean, I wouldn't even be thinking of reading the lightnovel if it wasn't, by the way, lightnovel can be read in WUXIA and the manga is on chap 160...

so yeah... incorporation of legends is pretty brilliant no need to write up original deities and think ofa flesh out plot/background for their becoming.. even with minimal mentions, these legends has established itself that there was no need to say more. but, i think that kinda became it's plotholes. because these legends has established itself as solid plotlines even as stand-alone characters, it feels kinda wonky if they're in a different light. like for Zeus. this was my first real weirded out scene. when it was mentioned Zeus was tryna overcome 100th floor, like some commoner... like...Zeus? the Ruler of the Sky? bros been thugging 100th of floor for years now? It feels... idk man.

I'm kinda a fan of greek mythology. And it doesn't really sit well with me that the Greek Gods are painted in this villain light. like, all of them. they've been reduced to villains. and is even scared of Asgard.

Idk greek mythology to me has always been fleshed out. sometimes, theyre fucked up. sometimes, not. they're just immortals who have nothing to do with their time and so they spend it however they want. they're just self-serving. and so when I read that Zeus and maybe a whole brigade tryna bring down 100th floor is kinda wild. like for what(this is also up for discussion)? I mean, it could be that this story is just borrowing the characters. i mean, it reeally is.

but yeah, kinda wonky like that Sun Oh Gong who surpassed the heavens. what heavens in this setting? Floor 40? he's chained there, right? maybe it could be that he was only chained there but have gone up.. and became a high ranker...

they brought up pure breed/blood cause they were born in the tower, and some are brought from other planet.. which ones were these legends from? was Asgard, Olympus, and other cults established inside? was Zeus an Established King of the Sky when he went to the tower? seems not since his record was beaten by his son later on the upper floors. idk mann..

maybe it doesn't have to make sense... why did I accidentally refreshed this goddamn site I was happier earlier huhuhahahha. anyway, the legends kinda clashes with each other is what I was really tryna say. Maybe I shouldn't read it like that? I couldn't help it, really, as I've said these stories have established their solid foundation.

hmm. let's see. idk it now feels like a mess. why were the Olympians and giants fighting again? and why did the giants have the stone of the sea when Poseidon was originally the King? if the giants have lost the war why did they have the stone?

sometimes, the rules of the tower is wonky.

that war with the giants.. clashes with everything really, the rules of the administrator is to preserve the flow of the trials and and he would be there whenever a high ranker would misuse their power. if the giants were annihilated were was the administrator? I don't think they put restrictions on Zeus or the Olympians after that since they were put into trail examiners. they have hold on multiple floors. hmm..

Anyway, pretty inconsistent. Legends all existing at once..messy. it's tryna be everything at once. it's bound to happen really.

Anyway, I have no complaints about our beloved MC though. being handsome does it for me. lololol. nah, really. he's a pretty good mc. pretty good, but because the story established itself that he was at least a hundred years old. sometimes, he doesn't act like someone with a lot of experience. idk, is it just me? sometimes, he feels like a beginner. I mean, he is in terms of his new skillsss.. but likeeee.. do you get what I meannn? no. okay :/


I'm gonna finish this with I really enjoyed that. but, because it was everything at once, it was pretty chaotic if I think about it deeply. I should just focus on the fact that MC is tryna prevent these wars so that when the battle between the outer begins there will be more forces. I mean, he was tryna solo this whole thing but yeah... hmm idk what to think, damn it's 5:50am now wtf IMAGINE THE TIME I SPENT ON THE DELETED COMMENTNDJHWDFHIYSVSF

anyway, that's all. you wasted all that time for nothing really. these are just the thoughts of a stranger so unclench your ass if you feel like I've wronged this story for writing this. I am but a single speck of dust in this vast universe. you don't need to be angry, but instead ask yourself why you're angry.. some insights on yourself is better than going off on a stranger that has likely have forgotten half of what this story was like...eyyy. just tryna dem comments hahaha ciao. ty for reading.

    Kai January 25, 2024 1:05 am

    DAMN THAT'S LONG ASF and I still read it

    Ailly January 31, 2024 5:24 am

    this is just how id imagine Kim Dokja writing a rant comment on three ways to survive in a ruined world

    OMI January 31, 2024 10:42 pm

    I enjoyed reading your comment.

    Nizze February 1, 2024 7:01 am

    Nah I totally get it... anyone who's really into mythology feels kinda this way... but I guess having Zeus and Odin as some sort of villain is kinda normal cuz of how many times they efed up in general... xD
    About the giants... maybe they associated them with the titans? That's the only link I see... but yeah mixing many mythologies always end up wonky...
    Still a solid read tho...

    helvetica February 7, 2024 6:03 pm
    this is just how id imagine Kim Dokja writing a rant comment on three ways to survive in a ruined world Ailly

    lol a long essay that nobody but the author will read XD

    Ailly February 8, 2024 3:15 pm
    lol a long essay that nobody but the author will read XD helvetica

    YEAH!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Rose February 9, 2024 4:43 pm

    dzam I was wondering why this still gets comments…

    Rose February 9, 2024 4:46 pm

    that’s truly a long ass comment … neways… uhm irdk bye

Rose January 15, 2024 11:54 am

Lolololol Heejae, sabi mo yan eh.

Rose January 6, 2024 7:42 am

I want to comment my thoughts so bad but I am stealing time kvwqehkcvadkugfrgfakahvckahdvcakehcvdakhjgvdackwhdqcvkuwegcadvgkeufgoauegfwkefgluae help myghad I don't wanna gooooo

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