Rose March 5, 2025 2:17 am

A babyyy :((((

YESSS (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Rose March 3, 2025 7:45 pm

The way my smile dropped when I got transported here. And I’VE READ THIS BEFORE. A LOT. Dang short memory. That was good. Really good. Will def re read again.

That scene when he grabbed Yoonwoo and smelled his neck and got all angry. Delicious. Makes me come back here every time.

I want to see the babies tho ┗( T﹏T )┛

Rose February 26, 2025 5:20 pm


I love this so much

Rose February 24, 2025 4:37 pm

I remembered I finished this just recently but I just rated. Now I have no fucking clue what I thought of this.


There was a memorable scene I remember.

Spoiler go away

It felt poetic. The house that held their memories came crashing down as they were leaving. It was most probably just because the house was really on its last leg (having been flooded for years) and they boombayah in that weak ass building. Good for them, us. Me. It was reunion sex. Yep.

So RIP. You've serviced the family well. But it was poetic, felt poetic... really. at least to me. Plus, in the place where his mother died, her remains were surrounded by a garden of roses. It was once a barren land. The sea had risen. It was a sign of the times telling them there was no other way but to change.

If I had any more brain cells I could've come up with some sob shit but I'm just cold. Too cold. May the tides in my life change in my favor.

Rose February 24, 2025 3:56 pm

Nicely drawn really. But it was horridly boring. Don't quote me on anything tho I just had to cut it off at chap 5.

I was really just here coz of that dragon on her neck. I love dragons. Made me curious. but i skipped to 13 then to 39, I don't think I saw any dragons. Nor eggs, not sure I scrolled way too fast.

I just remember that something I read somewhere...

If someone's watching your life (like a series) what do you think they'd think of it? It really made me think of that reading this. Like an eye opener. You have every potential to go or be something. But you're held back by your fears or just plain laziness. Now we can all choose how we live our lives so I will choose to not continue this coz heck I'm always reading and playing games. I don't need the main character to be like me just bed couch floor or wherever-rotting I need them to live a life outside, for me ya know..

    404 not found February 25, 2025 2:24 am

    Bruh why even comment on this in the first place, I know freedom and all but this just gives off a bad vibe to ppl who are interested and are turned off because of comments like these who complain when they didn't even read the whole damn thing.

    There were dragons, in the latest chapter it was almost specifically about dragons, you just didn't look, like at all. You then complain about the protagonist never going outside when you just said you stopped at chapter five, which like???? God I literally cant stand ppl who can't give five minutes to find what they want before writing their stupid fucking complaints. Don't like it, give it a 1 star, and leave like???

    "Now we can all choose how we live our lives so I will choose to not continue this coz heck I'm always reading and playing games." Like why did you even fckn write this if you're 'choosing' not to continue as if you had any other complaints than half-assed assumptions about something you didn't even go through a quarter of it. This is literally why so many good concepts and stories get shit on and then pushed to the back while the mainstream copy and paste garbage is glorified. It's because people don't understand the concept of not liking a story and just dropping it without leaving some scathing reply that will influence others to stay away from it.

    Holy fuck. wtv you just pissed me off with this comment, not really personal bcs ive had this bubbling for a while because other people with zero god damn common sense just post whatever they want and then complain when nothing new or unique to the genre gets put out into the world.

    but kinda personal bcs holy fuck you have to be idiotic to only read five chapters and think your opinion will ever be valid on a series. its literally like buying a cake but not eating it because it looked good on the box but when you opened it up it was somewhat deformed.

    fck this is probably too much but I literally don't give a damn anymore. If people can put this kind of stupid bullshit online than I think I'm at least allowed to fucking rip a new one on illterates.

    Rose February 25, 2025 6:15 am
    Bruh why even comment on this in the first place, I know freedom and all but this just gives off a bad vibe to ppl who are interested and are turned off because of comments like these who complain when they did... 404 not found

    What a hideous take. You're so fucking pressed people won't... specifically ME won't give this a chance?? What an actual fuck. This story won't change for shit even if I don't like it. People will come if they vibe with the early chapter. People can not like things you like. Get over it. Unclench.

    404 not found February 26, 2025 11:43 pm
    What a hideous take. You're so fucking pressed people won't... specifically ME won't give this a chance?? What an actual fuck. This story won't change for shit even if I don't like it. People will come if they ... Rose

    And this is where the illiteracy and failure to comprehend shit comes into play.

    One, I did not say anything about being mad about people not giving this a chance. I'm mad because you read five chapters in and left a pretty horrible review that can and will influence people not to read a story, which does happen because people look at comments and reviews to see if something is worthwhile.

    Two, it was also the fact that you left so much misinformation in your comment that also pissed me off, which again was because you only read five fucking chapters and thought you were entitled to commenting on something you never finished like???

    And finally third, if your going to reply to someone, make sure you're grammar and your spelling is correct and maybe then someone will actually take your sorry ass serious for one

    Rose February 27, 2025 2:37 am
    And this is where the illiteracy and failure to comprehend shit comes into play.One, I did not say anything about being mad about people not giving this a chance. I'm mad because you read five chapters in and l... 404 not found

    First off, you are taking me seriously. You can’t even see that for yourself huh? I can’t understand what you wrote for you. You are pressed people won’t give it a chance. Maybe read what you wrote. Or think about it. Geez. All for fucking nothing. Bfr.

    404 not found February 27, 2025 11:37 pm
    First off, you are taking me seriously. You can’t even see that for yourself huh? I can’t understand what you wrote for you. You are pressed people won’t give it a chance. Maybe read what you wrote. Or th... Rose

    Yes, I am taking you seriously because that's what you're supposed to do when reading a review while also taking replies into account.

    I do not understand what you mean by "I can't understand what you wrote for you."

    I already rebuffed and explained why I was mad or as you say "pressed".

    I believe that it's you who should think, read, and then write before trying to reply because this is frankly embarrassing. And again, try to fix your spelling for once.

    Rose February 28, 2025 8:04 am
    Yes, I am taking you seriously because that's what you're supposed to do when reading a review while also taking replies into account.I do not understand what you mean by "I can't understand what you wrote for ... 404 not found

    Mann this is pathetic hahahaha

    BlueInk02 March 3, 2025 11:51 pm
    Mann this is pathetic hahahaha Rose

    Rather it's you, if you truly think 5 chapters is enough to know enough about the story.
    Anyway the door is there open, no need to say you're departing as if you were important

    Rose March 4, 2025 1:36 am
    Rather it's you, if you truly think 5 chapters is enough to know enough about the story.Anyway the door is there open, no need to say you're departing as if you were important BlueInk02

    Mannn to be this blind while seeing that’s some crazy shit hahahaha

    404 not found March 5, 2025 9:14 pm

    You literally have two people telling you why what you said was factually wrong and you're still talking. At this point you know you were wrong and are prolonging this "argument" to tire me out and concede that you were right (which you aren't), or you actually believe what you say which I find hard to believe as anything you have thrown my way has either been half assed or straight up delusional.

    Rose March 6, 2025 3:03 pm
    You literally have two people telling you why what you said was factually wrong and you're still talking. At this point you know you were wrong and are prolonging this "argument" to tire me out and concede that... 404 not found

    You tire me out. I haven't thrown anything you fucking way. You're the one jumping on MY comment. Idk what the fuck you're on. Could be drugs or you just needed to vent but I don't give a flying fuck you ONE TWO THIRD BITCH. I believe what I said coz it is MY fucking experience. Get that?

    if you don't even understand what I fucking wrote don't fucking comment shit. The fuck. Fuck off my dick you don't even know how to ride fucking retard i really had to spell it out for you fuck off

    Rose March 6, 2025 4:12 pm
    You literally have two people telling you why what you said was factually wrong and you're still talking. At this point you know you were wrong and are prolonging this "argument" to tire me out and concede that... 404 not found

    If you want the nitty gritty bitch here i fucking go

    "Rather it's you, if you truly think 5 chapters is enough to know enough about the story.
    Anyway the door is there open, no need to say you're departing as if you were important"

    Where in the fuck is the fact here? That first fucking sentence? Don't tell me that even after coming back to my comment again and again that was what you got from my fucking comment? Then you might as well be blind with a goldfish brain. That must be fucking why you say I am spreading misinformation coz you don't understand shit from my fucking comment. Pea sized I fucking get it fuck.

    You act like this is some noble site. This is an illegal site you bitch. Anyone can fucking comment shit. Important or not that's why there's fucking comment section. I can't believe i am actually explaining that. this made me stop you know. You might actually not have the capacity to understand what I am writing if I have to explain that. Fuck

    "Yes, I am taking you seriously because that's what you're supposed to do when reading a review while also taking replies into account." I am highlighting this coz how fucking ridiculous this made me laugh so much you know you're a fucking dumbass HAHSHAHAHHA must be hard swallowing your own cum. yum

    "I do not understand what you mean by "I can't understand what you wrote for you."
    Crazy after calling someone illiterate huh? You don't even know what illiterate means :( The most basic of shit. I just can't believe it you know. HAHA Fucking pathetic.

    "I already rebuffed and explained why I was mad or as you say "pressed". Bobo talaga amputaaaa HAHDHAHAHAHAHA now I'm just laughing your comments were really something. Ahhhh, I really had a rough day you know. This makes me happy at least I am not as dumb as you HAHSHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Basically... you are throwing your shit at me but I dont want your shit. I shitted in a public restroom you shitted on my bed.

    it is all your opinion. You jumped the gun and ran with what you understood which I really can't blame you for. I can't ask for more when you only have capacity for so little. :( but you know you should be aware of it.

    There was no fucking dragon in the chapters that I saw. I even wrote that in my fucking comment you blind bitch. You really like hopping on random peoples dick that much huh? Well, I hope this is now clear to you that I don't like how you ride one bit.. no technique whatsoever. 0 stars.

    Don't mindlessly shoot, one two third bitch. It's tiring on my part coz you don't even fucking get it. But get this bruh (you really have to)...fuck off. I hope I am clear enough.

    Also (I am calm now) you're wasting my time for a story I didn't want to waste my time on. Good for the story they have you. Keyboard warrior. You might as well write a goddamn essay why you like this shit instead of constantly hopping on my sore dick fuck

    Mannn I really did have a bad day... not so bad now.. in a way this helped me release. Thanks (●'◡'●)ノ there really is a reason for everything. Crazy how this all works. I don't take anything back tho. You're really a dumb loose cannon. Welp.

    Rose March 6, 2025 4:37 pm

    I just know you'll ride my dick again for saying no dragon... man im tired ..bitch if really you do. damn. I can't help you bro but go right ahead. I don't mind. Have a go.

    Coz like you said. "I'm at least allowed to fucking rip a new one on illterates." And you tell me to fix my spelling. that was seriously.. sigh...

    Just know if you read my first comment on here. It was the reason I came. There was no dragon in the current timeline I stated. I was looking for it. I looked for it. I did gave this one a chance. Even tho it was little.

    Just not my cup of tea. And whether my comment is important or not. It is mine. My opinion on this story in its open comment section. And I like to say what I want to say. Regardless of what the future readers think. They have a brain of their own. I'd like to believe they do. If they can't think for themselves, well, that's on them. But that's fucking dumb. I guess you wanna protect the dumb people. Good for you.

Rose February 20, 2025 11:34 am

I was reading another story... and when I read this I mistakenly thought this was 70+ chapters. Like a fucking dumbass ARGHHH ANOTHER ONE ヽ(`Д´)ノ

This is too good. I feel so shit... reading this when its only up to here.

This might just kill me. I hope this won't take years.

Please please please ( T﹏T )

Rose February 19, 2025 10:29 pm


isn't this amount of discharge bound to dehydrate you





oh god i need to stop laughingggg I AM FINALLY HERE IN THE SMUT SCENE BUT DAMN

that was a real good laughhh this is soo goodddd (≧∀≦)

    Rose February 19, 2025 10:31 pm


Rose February 19, 2025 2:39 pm


Rose February 16, 2025 6:21 pm

so she told him. I'm already in love hahaha. COZ WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE TOLD HIM ALREADY. Girl, you'll live I know. Bright future. Bravooo ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Also, straight smut. It's been a while. I didn't even read... only that blowjob scene coz ngl I thought he was smol. Tiny peepee ya know. Hahahaha but alas he was not. Good for you, Duke. Nice nice.

Also, is someone watching them? That's some pretty awesome work ya know. Getting paid to watch others have sex. It could both be a con and a pro. Hmm.

    Rose February 16, 2025 6:27 pm

    long way to go tho.. only at chap 5. marinate marinate. Been reading incomplete and NEW STORIES LATELY i'm sick ╥﹏╥

Rose February 15, 2025 7:23 am

There’s not much for now but I thought he already died and he’s only sober because his deadness hasn’t fully come up his head. I didn’t even consider blackout tattoo.

I thought he’s dead.

Pretty interesting. He’s freaking huge. Is this like a slice of life…? I should check the tags

    Rose February 15, 2025 7:25 am

    drama. Hmm hmm. Will marinate.

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