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Finished(18) 2018-07-26 0
Give me update or Give me DEATH !(18) 2019-11-30 0
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Rose's topics ( All 375 )

Rose February 24, 2025 4:37 pm

I remembered I finished this just recently but I just rated. Now I have no fucking clue what I thought of this.


There was a memorable scene I remember.

Spoiler go away

It felt poetic. The house that held their memories came crashing down as they were leaving. It was most probably just because the house was really on its last leg (having been flooded for years) and they boombayah in that weak ass building. Good for them, us. Me. It was reunion sex. Yep.

So RIP. You've serviced the family well. But it was poetic, felt poetic... really. at least to me. Plus, in the place where his mother died, her remains were surrounded by a garden of roses. It was once a barren land. The sea had risen. It was a sign of the times telling them there was no other way but to change.

If I had any more brain cells I could've come up with some sob shit but I'm just cold. Too cold. May the tides in my life change in my favor.

Rose February 24, 2025 3:56 pm

Nicely drawn really. But it was horridly boring. Don't quote me on anything tho I just had to cut it off at chap 5.

I was really just here coz of that dragon on her neck. I love dragons. Made me curious. but i skipped to 13 then to 39, I don't think I saw any dragons. Nor eggs, not sure I scrolled way too fast.

I just remember that something I read somewhere...

If someone's watching your life (like a series) what do you think they'd think of it? It really made me think of that reading this. Like an eye opener. You have every potential to go or be something. But you're held back by your fears or just plain laziness. Now we can all choose how we live our lives so I will choose to not continue this coz heck I'm always reading and playing games. I don't need the main character to be like me just bed couch floor or wherever-rotting I need them to live a life outside, for me ya know..

    404 not found February 25, 2025 2:24 am

    Bruh why even comment on this in the first place, I know freedom and all but this just gives off a bad vibe to ppl who are interested and are turned off because of comments like these who complain when they didn't even read the whole damn thing.

    There were dragons, in the latest chapter it was almost specifically about dragons, you just didn't look, like at all. You then complain about the protagonist never going outside when you just said you stopped at chapter five, which like???? God I literally cant stand ppl who can't give five minutes to find what they want before writing their stupid fucking complaints. Don't like it, give it a 1 star, and leave like???

    "Now we can all choose how we live our lives so I will choose to not continue this coz heck I'm always reading and playing games." Like why did you even fckn write this if you're 'choosing' not to continue as if you had any other complaints than half-assed assumptions about something you didn't even go through a quarter of it. This is literally why so many good concepts and stories get shit on and then pushed to the back while the mainstream copy and paste garbage is glorified. It's because people don't understand the concept of not liking a story and just dropping it without leaving some scathing reply that will influence others to stay away from it.

    Holy fuck. wtv you just pissed me off with this comment, not really personal bcs ive had this bubbling for a while because other people with zero god damn common sense just post whatever they want and then complain when nothing new or unique to the genre gets put out into the world.

    but kinda personal bcs holy fuck you have to be idiotic to only read five chapters and think your opinion will ever be valid on a series. its literally like buying a cake but not eating it because it looked good on the box but when you opened it up it was somewhat deformed.

    fck this is probably too much but I literally don't give a damn anymore. If people can put this kind of stupid bullshit online than I think I'm at least allowed to fucking rip a new one on illterates.

    Rose February 25, 2025 6:15 am
    Bruh why even comment on this in the first place, I know freedom and all but this just gives off a bad vibe to ppl who are interested and are turned off because of comments like these who complain when they did... 404 not found

    What a hideous take. You're so fucking pressed people won't... specifically ME won't give this a chance?? What an actual fuck. This story won't change for shit even if I don't like it. People will come if they vibe with the early chapter. People can not like things you like. Get over it. Unclench.

Rose's questions ( All 31 )

Rose January 20, 2025 2:16 am

I can’t really remember anything except for that one scene where seme was putting half of ukes body to him like pulling him real close and I think he thought then that you’re so close yet so far or something.

Please let me know if you know this? I just can’t get this out of my head I am itching to read it.

Rose December 4, 2024 3:31 pm

Dont read this it'll waste your time.. will just post anyway cause maybe my shitty brain will remember in the future and can add more details...


I just remembered it right..

I just remembered it being funny asf .. it was in a traditional setting... I think the author was Filipino(?) I read it on webnovel?

Oh shit now that I have to write it down, i got nothing...


I just remember.. oh god huhu i dont remember shit

I legit really want to read it now though but I think the author discontinued it..

I uhm I remember when I read a scene .. I imagined it to have like a long line of trees and they were walking.. and I have this picture in my head that she was sitting on a bench table... ...

This is honestly hopeless... i just remembered it being so funny... it was written in english. what moreee... zero nada..


Rose's message board ( All 3 )

Rose November 30, 2020 6:01 pm

comment from Emperor and The Female Knight

Rose July 27, 2020 6:51 pm

I am writing this because I found my ultimate manga ♡♡♡


We can argue future and past self but this right here made me feel so much. And I am not even talking about down there because goddamn this has no explicit sex scenes. I can't even wrapped my head about what I am going to say. Just. It's beautiful. And I really needed this perspective right now. I guess, it's meant to be that I read it only now. Thank you, Author. From my unpure heart I give you the sincerest gratitude I could muster.

When life gives you lemons, get the seeds and plant cause quarantine be depleting all our resources so we gotta make a garden at home. (when will the com sec here be back am dying to read interaction of readers after a fresh upload)

If you came here cause I look very unwell in my life updates, uhh, that's true but ya know who isn't unwell nowadays. I just try and write about my life cause in writing it down it feels like I really did something, productive(?) Idk isn't it nice to look back on how you were in the past? I have fun reading my shit posts and comments. Especially my journal, I do a lot of dumb thinking so it's pretty funny lol. You should, too. No one will know you anyway. It's not like people are gonna be as invested in your life story as you are. So, yeah write it here. Write it anywhere. 

Leave a little bit of yourself in anywhere you are interested in. I do and I find it really fun.

So yeah, I'm fine even if I'm not, I will be. I'm positive like that. Clouds don't hold rains for that long.

. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . 

I'll be gone for a little while to change my life. Char.


I'm back and my life did change only because I am taking care of puppies. I've become a mom now. Never thought I'd be this dedicated, honestly.


Are we finally getting the comment section back one of these days? I don't see that yellow reminder anymore.

Honestly, I need to start writing again in my journal cause if somebody I know finds me because of my life updates, I will pass away.


We can comment againnnn! Honestly, I am not just starting to ease myself to reading comments and commenting again.. it feels kinda weird and out there now. I'll get used to it. In time.


 I'll be gone again to fix my life. I should write a life update. Hmm. Let's see.  18/10


 everything’s been weird as fuck please let me be in peace huhuhuhuhu 20/10

I guess I wanted to stay for a bit cause living life beyond this is scary and unknown. I’ve always been in comfort, well, for the most part. There’s not so much hardship I guess. I would say the comfort trumps it all. But that’s not realistic even though I want it to be. I’m gonna need to be out there cause there’s no one who’ll save me.

 There’s only myself BUT luckily, it’s ALSO just myself I have to save. 31/10


I wish I can think of other options. I wish things were different. It’s not though so make sure if it’s gonna be anything make it HIT THE SKIES OR DOWN THE DEPTHS OF HELL fuck them honestly I will not take this silently how dare they disturb my peace November 1 how fucking fitting

bye for now or forever

Not forever I guess

I was being dramatic if I cut reading out of my life might as well die.


I have to change.

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