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plutoFlame created a topic of Love Sick Dog

I think right now, the plot is more about the author showing us how jooin and ye-gyum are influencing each other and changing how they experience relationships.

Like, jooin is using ye-gyum's name more instead of calling him mittens, which he said before he did out of lack of interest in putting effort into remembering peoples name at all. He's also been very vocal and encouraging in trying to get ye-gyum to have a better opinion of himself. That can be seen as jooin showing more respect and feeling ye-gyum is of value.

And ye-gyum is becoming more confident and bold, which can be seen as him becoming stronger because he's no longer being exclusively used and exploited by his partner; jooin's thoughtful consideration and loving words towards him has made ye-gyum desire jooin for the love he gets from him and what they can have together, instead of solely as an empty servant willing to be mistreated as long as he isn't alone, the way he's been in his other relationships.

I can't speak for the author, but that's the kind of vibe I've been getting from the last few chps