plutoFlame's feed

I like how the author is trying to make us empathize with Lan Shui lol yeah, the dad is cold, but this is still an extreme response to emotional neglect, especially when he was adored by his mother and step dad even I think. He's really mad cause his father didn't just make him heir as the firstborn and made him earn it with skills and hard work instead. Emotional neglect is traumatic, but with all the other support and loving experiences he had growing up, this killing and torturing other people just to get back at his dad doesn't hit for me. Like bruh, your performance was gonna make you heir anyway! You did a great job meeting your father's expectations, so wtf is the problem? You don't even like your brothers lol the whole thing is ridiculous. I understand what the author is trying to do, they have a point that abuse isn't always physical or sexual. The dad is not a "good" man. Emotional abuse is wrong. But Lan giving spoiled brat, not victim