I wonder why the mangaka tone down the BL element with adding girls in. Maybe to broader the audience ;)
Personally I love it if it were a real shounen ai or even YAOI :p
But it's interesting nevertheless :)) <3<3

The two Ilegenes manga series are prequels to the Ilegenes novel, "Ilegenes: The Genetic Sodom". The mangaka had to add the girls in the story in order to make it an accurate portrayal of the events that led up to what's happening in the novel. If you're interested in the novel, you can read a summary of it at issyapir's livejournal.

I know that for now, Aoi-Sugara is kinna out of convenience relationship. Aoi a bit mellowed and feels a bit for Sugara.
BUT...my question is...will Aoi fall in love to Sugara for real?? I mean, a real 'love' not this kinna half assed love?? he has weird mind/personality and for a long time occupies himself with his bro-cest obsession.
Personally, i think even if he'll fall in 'love' with Sugara, his love for Sugara will be different (less) than his love for his bro :(
But...I'm happy that Aoi found his happiness, altho not like what he wanted.
Love both stories (this and prequel)

I think he will now because he's trying to move on and we can see that his love for Sugara is growing. but slowly cause Aoi is still putting a fence around his heart so it can take a while. it can also take a while with his love to Kouki to disappear a little, he's been in love with him for more that 13 year. But yeah I really think that App will fall for Sugara for real
This manga is like that song : Long and winding road...Hahaha :P
Yup, long with full of drama caused by lot of misunderstandings and not be able to be honest with him self (uke). But d*mn, the seme wa just creepy, pushy, persistent one.
I think their personality complete each other :)
Love it <3<3