A florist, intrigued by the vision of a beautiful- yet guarded artist, starts a friends with benefit...
- Author: Amamiya
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi
In high school, Arata fell for a British girl. A salaryman now, he's reunited with that person,...
- Author: Amamiya
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi
From honyakusha:<br>When Takiya Kippei, the brother of two older sisters, realises that he des...
- Author: Amamiya
- Genres: Romance / Shounen Ai / Slice of Life
Towa and Yamato are twins with very different personalities. Yamato is loud, outgoing, and regularly...
- Author: amamiya
- Genres: Adult / Romance / Shounen Ai / Drama / School Life
Chiaki has finally found something to look forward to in life-His regular visits to the flower vendo...
- Author: Migino yagi
- Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Romance / Supernatural
Shouya, a teenager with no knowledge of love, accidentally stumbles upon the blog of a gay teen whil...
- Author: amekiri
- Genres: Adult / Romance / Shounen Ai / School Life
Ayumu, who attends the culture festival of the high school where his former classmate and first love...
- Author: Amekiri
- Genres: School Life / Romance / Shounen Ai