Kimi May 31, 2021 9:31 pm

Please!! If you see a stray cat take them to the vet to get neutered!!
I know it isn't as common in countries outside of the US, but if you don't then the stray cats will keep on breeding and it will lead to more famine and hungry stray cats :((

    Shaun June 2, 2021 6:06 am

    I agree 100%!! However vets in countries like mine: the philippines are VERYY expensive :((
    Thats why theres alot of stray cats and some believe neutering is abuse bc its well....

    Kimi June 2, 2021 11:32 pm
    I agree 100%!! However vets in countries like mine: the philippines are VERYY expensive :((Thats why theres alot of stray cats and some believe neutering is abuse bc its well.... Shaun

    :(( i really wish governments in countries would realize how important healthcare for both the people and animals for their nations are TT

    Cuzhefuckingpushedme June 6, 2021 11:32 pm

    I didn't even have the money to neuter my own dog-

Kimi May 31, 2021 1:43 am

I loved the story except for the fucking bitch who didn't get her just desserts. Marie deserves to die. She literally has no redemption arc at all but still has a happy ending.

Kimi May 19, 2021 1:31 am

Please read this on the actual scanlator's website: tritinia . com. it helps them make money via ad revenue and also the will actually see any of the comments you make. i understand many of us here use mangago to find comics and mangas we like, but please make sure once you find those comics to read on the actual platform - whether directly or be supporting the actual scanlators.

    a.yue May 19, 2021 1:36 am

    Can I get the link (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Kimi May 19, 2021 2:45 pm
    Can I get the link (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ a.yue

    tritinia . com ! (erase the spaces, don't want to put down an actual link as i think it goes against TOS)

Kimi April 13, 2021 4:04 am

Why y'all saying the brother is ugly. I mean personality wise he's awful, but so is literally everyone else in the family. Physically he's still attractive. The scars, buff body, angry face? That shit is hot. Y'all can keep on simping for skinny pretty boys who are conventionally attractive, but I know that rough edged boys can be hot too.
(Appearance wise only. I don't think I'll be getting much backlash for thinking such an evil person is hot seeing everyone else in the comments)

    Queeny33 April 13, 2021 4:09 am

    you not wrong my g, not wrong at all. He might be a bastard but he's a hot one.

    Kar€n April 13, 2021 4:34 am

    Right he's so hot like he has that hot man aura if he didn't have that shitty personality
    If that nan didn't have shit personality he's on my simping list

    Kimi April 13, 2021 4:44 am
    you not wrong my g, not wrong at all. He might be a bastard but he's a hot one. Queeny33

    like im asexual and in a committed relationship but that man could do me.

    Kimi April 13, 2021 4:45 am
    Right he's so hot like he has that hot man aura if he didn't have that shitty personality If that nan didn't have shit personality he's on my simping list Kar€n

    hey, people are out there simping for the other brothers and even the father desoite them all also being horrible beings. do it. simp.

Kimi April 12, 2021 9:20 pm

I do admire Fatima for being so strong. If she was the main character of this story - a female fighter in the desert, capable of killing monsters and bandits, unafraid of anything, forced into a new culture to socialize, only to find out the one she loved is the secret lover of a royal whose custom's she did not understand, we would all be rooting fer her, saying stuff like "but the Sky King is engaged! How dare she flirt with someone despite being engaged! Her mother is the Red King! This is outrageous!"
We would all praise Fatima for being powerful, for not crying when she was let down, for being so confident to confess her feelings in public. We would respect her for not causing a scene, we would wonder along with her who Khun's true lover is, and why he would reject a chance to become King.
But she's not the main character. We have the blessing of knowing what goes on behind the scenes. We know that she and Khun love each other, that the Sky King is working on getting rid of her engagement, and she's not working for the Red King, and Khun is not merely using her.
But Fatima doesn't. Fatima is a stranger to this culture, where pleasantries are spoken but are not meant. She is used to fighting and being upfront, working hard to gain power to protect her people.
And it breaks my heart that she's on the way to becoming a bitter person, because we can't have a foreign, independent woman who is unafraid to be open about her feelings despite what others say about her. Because that doesn't make good drama. Because Fatima would steal all of our hearts if this story did an arc about her and her life. Because having two strong women wanting to be rulers of their nations but also getting along isn't fun.
No, Fatima is silly. Look at how stupid she is, for confessing in public. Look at how heartless and cruel she is, for not crying. Look at how vindictive she is, wondering if the Sky King is seeing Khun. Look at how classless she is.
The author making Fatima into a villain breaks my heart. Fatima, I wish you were given your time to shine because strong, powerful, smart, and independent women trying to find their way in foreign environments is kind of hot.

    MangoCat =^•~•^= April 12, 2021 10:49 pm

    That’s cool and all and while I initially didn’t mind Fatima, she apparently conspires with the Red King later on

    Mai jimin April 12, 2021 11:11 pm
    That’s cool and all and while I initially didn’t mind Fatima, she apparently conspires with the Red King later on MangoCat =^•~•^=

    Yeah and the fact she didn't denied the date with kuhn.

    GEM April 12, 2021 11:36 pm

    I agree! Fatima is a strong beautiful woman who would have been a great lead. I'm sad to read the spoilers regarding alliance in this reply but.. I can't blame Fatima. I'd hoped she'd be tied to the iron king somehow to help protect his love from the vicious court ladies. Maybe she would have had Khun not felt for Sienna.

    Even if we blame Khun... He couldnt help inform her of the culture or Fatima might have thought she was getting closer to him.

    I do feel ashamed that Sienna just said "well, are you dead in my future visions?" As if to write her off. It left a poor taste in my mouth for sure.

    maychan April 12, 2021 11:52 pm

    yeas what a strong great women she is to want to control a culture totally different then herself and be the leader of said culture despite knowing zero about it. sorry but Fatima is dumb, has much she is suppose to be "strong" kicking monsters is different then having a brain to think sometimes. and the fact she keep persisting the guy to marry her, you know, the guy that told her is in LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE I have no words to say how much dumb she is.
    and no I don't feel any "pity" on her even if Sienna thought what she did, Sienna has the righ to get jealous and show her ugly side. at least she learn from her mistakes

    Kimi April 13, 2021 3:59 am
    That’s cool and all and while I initially didn’t mind Fatima, she apparently conspires with the Red King later on MangoCat =^•~•^=

    I know, that's why I'm saying she was done dirty by the author.

    Jiophone2 April 13, 2021 5:31 am

    I actually liked her in the beginning. I love me some ambitious women. I even put tons of comments not to hate her too quick in the beginning. But recently she is acting kinda wonky. Like its fine if she chases after the guy she likes if he doesn't give any valid reason. But he told her clearly on her face that he has someone he loves. But she is still scheming. That is the part I don't like.

Kimi April 12, 2021 9:03 pm

Reading webtoons/manga in anything but French/English is so weird for me... and I can't even read arabic! F

Kimi April 7, 2021 6:42 am

tell him your real identity before having sex?? Like we know he knows but you have to be honest with him before doing something you both view as intimate. and be honest about what you were tempted with too!! I-

Kimi April 4, 2021 11:06 pm

I'm so sad that Mangadex is still down and I have to resort to reading things on Mangago again and can't directly support the scanlaters.
Everyone here, if you are reading a manga that has links to the scanlators site or their mangadex page, read their updates there rather than here!

Kimi March 18, 2021 8:36 pm

Sometimes when I believe a rumor and it gets proven wrong I don't apologize. I think "well it's been proven wrong, I mean I was lied too so they get that, we can just ignore it." But that's the wrong viewpoint.
I've had lots of rumors spread about me (casual ones like I'm a slut despite being ace, one really fucked up one where I was trying to deport someone's dad, when all i said was "don't tell people that your dad is paid under the table since that's illegal and he could get in trouble") but since I don't really do anything when rumors get disproven I don't hold it against people who also believed them and don't apologize or even care. I'm a very apathetic person once things wrap themselves up, and become completely detached from the scenario.
But everyone is different. I'm going to hold myself accountable for believing in rumors and when they are proven false apologize to the victims for believing in the rumors!

Kimi March 18, 2021 8:25 pm

I'm wondering if she even realizes what she's doing is wrong. Like "well it's not my fault that they don't listen to me" or "I'm not two faced since I'm not being mean to you"

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