Wow! I don't care that he died!!
This is ridiculous. I'm sorry that he was tortured and forced to people, but the second that he tried to kill his parents because they were frightened about how many people he killed I was like oh okay he's beyond redemption! (Even though I think the hundreds of people he manipulated into liking him only to make them kill themselves also make him beyond redemption). And even when he did have someone who really loved him he was completely willing to make people kill themselves who didn't even have anything to do with his captors revenge.
I'm sorry, and I know some people like the MC for liking people, but as a victim of abuse I'm sorry. That's not a good trait. Liking someone who gaslighted you and manipulated and threatens to kill you and your friends isn't being sincere. It's being ridiculous. Stop praising her for chasing an abusive relationship with someone actively trying to kill her. You can by sympathetic and even empathetic towards someone abusive towards you but still loving them and chasing after them just isn't the way to go. It's also terrifying. Because of my abuse I ended up being abusive for a while and having people still chase after me and validate what I was doing was awful for me. Yes, I had people who still loved me, but they called me out on my bullshit and didn't just go like "I'll still love you!! I know you're being shitty but I forgive you!" No. They made me take accountability and I went to therapy. The MC is not someone I would like to have like me because she would make me feel validated in anything I do. Also the fact that she has to make everyone like her and gets so mad when people don't? YIKES!! That's not a good thing. Some people just won't be drawn to you and the fact that she decides to stalk the people who don't in order to get them to like her is,, bad.
Yes, she's an interesting character and I want to see more on why she's so messed up and delusional (and I'm hoping they begin to paint her as that, so far the writing seems to paint her as just and she's really not), but I don't like her as a person. And I hope they expand onto her more and start to paint her as more of this dangerous person. Perhaps when people start not to like her she gets mad and ends up hurting people who won't like her. idk. But the blue hair guy kind of deserved to die. Being a victim of abuse doesn't excuse you continuing to be abusive once you've realized that you are.

There are two people: Those who fucking hate the ML and those who hate people who don't hate the ML.
Personally, I think that it's possible to understand the ML had no choice to do what he did at the current time because if he didn't, not only would everyone around him die, but so would the FL.
However, it's also possible to understand that the ML was very negligent, and that even though he didn't force her to live in a cold room (all she could have done was literally ask a servant for some firewood, but because of her trauma she couldn't), he didn't realize the extent of her trauma would prevent her from asking for basic living conditions. It's heavily implied that he expected her to be okay living isolated because she was still his wife, and could ask the servants to bring her basic amenities.
We can all agree the FL wasn't the best mother in her first life. She was negligent of her duties, and because of her trauma she refused to hold her son. That's like,,, she was not a good mother in the first life. She also is the rason the Duke was forced to marry her (because she asked her father who decided to blackmail the Duke by killing his friends until he accepted). And obviously the ML has a ton of trauma on his end too.
All I'm saying is that if we can understand the FL's trauma as a reason for her to not only ignore her son, but to not do literally anything after marriage (going out to events, asking for help, etc), then we can also understand the ML's trauma as a reason for why he was so easily submissive and negligent. Understanding does not mean forgiving. It just means understanding.

As someone who wants to be euthanized with my partner when we're both old so we can die of our own accord before alzheimers kicks in and we're in sane mind (i have a history of really bad alzheimers in my family and it would be awful to be in such a bad mental state and have that be the last memory any of my loved ones have of me) i really like this,,,, although his reasons for committing double suicide aren't necessarily one i agree with i hope he is able to find a partner he can leave the world in peace with - as long as it doesn't cause a mess for anyone to clean up.

The next chapter shows Charlotte's extistential crisis, which I can't really blame her for. Ever since she was young everything went her way (because she was the main character), and everyone loved her. Everything was automatically hers. She took it for granted, and expected the men around her to stay with her even if she couldn't/wouldn't return their feelings. I kind of feel bad for her, since her warped view on the world and twisted personality is also the result of shitty writing. Like, come on. When you get everything you're not going to stay humble or think that you don't deserve it if it's your life. You can still be timid, but you definitely will think of you getting everything as the "norm."
After the sorcerer rejected her (He did so because he was originally enthralled with her mana, but after meeting the literal devil himself, he realized that life is too fleeting to be focusing on a woman who won't ever love him and he's only attracted to on the surface level, and is instead focusing on finding his own mutual lover before the world ends. The prince is confused, and the sorcerer is basically like "the emperorer will tell you once you ascend to the throne that there's a dangerous threat lurking, and that only destruction outlives us." It was honestly threatening, he was super calm and collected. It was like he became enlightened.
The Prince praises the sorcerer for having realistic values, and Charlotte's entire view on reality is questioned. She wonders why that's viewed as realistic when it wasn't real life for her, and never had been. She began to question when the constans in her life began to change, going back to recent events - when the Fashion Designer ignored her, or when the Butler talked down on her, but she links it all to Ayla.
I know we're all calling her a bitch, but in a way she's also a victim of the god awful writing that our author wrote. She's genuinely confused because her entire ground of reality has been changed. It's not her fault that she got everything in her life, that everything was focused around her. It's not unrealistic for her to expect everyone to give things to her, whether literal or spiritual or emotional. Because that was meant to happen. It had been happening. When she's confused or mad that's to be expected. She has every right to be vindictive because her entire life is just... changed. And she doesn't understand that she only got that life because of awful writing.
Meanwhile, the prince is gifted with the sight of prophecy, which lets him see the future. That's why he's so violent against Alya - because in his dreams, he sees her as she was originally written - a vindictive, evil woman who attacks the woman he loves for no reason. That's why he expects her to do so, and is always judging her - because he sees her for what she was meant to be.
Once again, this is literally all because of the novel's awful writing. Praise and love being gifted to Charlotte for literally no reason caused her to automatically expect that and view it as her status quo, so when things start changing, it confuses her and makes her mad that her entire view on reality is changing.
The Prince has always been given accurate views of the future, where Alya is the awful villain she is meant to be. But her suddenly changing that makes no sense to him, because why would it? It doesn't follow her previous personality that he saw for himself, nor the personality that was meant to be that he saw in his dreams, so he is automatically mad at her and doesn't trust her because of those two things. He thinks that it's a trick, because that's the only thought process that makes sense. Why wouldn't it be a trick? She's always been an awful and ignorant person, and in the visions she still is. So why is she suddenly a different person? It must be a trick, because she can't actually be a different person.
Anyways, everyone's a victim of shitty writing. Everyone. The moral of the story is that harem series are awful and would realistically lead to a justified sense of entitlement. Yes, Charlotte is assuming everything should be given to her but that's not... unrealistic.

love this analysis! i feel with a lot of characters the readers are quick to hate them and call them a bitch but we need to look at things not at surface value. most heroines in novels have been through hardship, that’s why they’re humble. but charlotte has been given everything without any hardship in her life and she hasn’t grown up mentally since she’s been treated positively since childhood. i hope that she has a nice character arc where we see her change, i’d feel bad if she was forced to live this life that’s so different from what she’s used to

There are honestly two different ways it can pan out - she becomes a vindictive villain who desperately tries to reclaim everything she should have been given, or she has a character arc where she's forced to change due to the impending erasure of the world that our Butler wants. It's probably going to be the first one. Or the author doesn't look too far into their own characters and just makes her a surface level villain lmao. It happens.

Yes I always feel that people who automatically hate characters are just victims of mob mentality. Even though it's just a story, that sort of behavior where you automatically judge and hate characters despite not even understanding everything or coming to terms with their dialectics lends itself to reality and is one of the main reasons cancel culture is so prevalent. I doubt she'll grow, and will probably remain a surface level villain or a more strong villain, but knowing the God in this world it'll be interesting if she's forced to be a good guy despite wanting revenge.

It’s definitely gonna be the first one, once I noticed the how Charlotte emphasize that MC brought a slave I knew she would be a villain. I think it would great if she like had a breakdown but realized her world and the privileged bible she lived in and become a heroine in her own way! Like I think that would be so badass, she could really be a great character and maybe in her right a mc.

This comic is on the webtoon app. now that it has an official english license, please don't read it here, but on the webtoon app instead!

Happily Ever Afterwards
I hope this is one of the stories with a "bad" ending. Where they both die. Maybe she kills herself and then the ML does... and she finally gets her revenge.
it is a bad ending and i love it, it’s a nice change from all the happy-ever-afters