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3 rats in a trenchcoat's topics ( All 19 )

3 rats in a trenchcoat January 19, 2025 11:36 pm

Mom pick me up

3 rats in a trenchcoat January 13, 2025 8:54 pm

Just binged the 18+ version and I cannot believe this had a r15 version now. I mean I read it and I remember liking it, so I guess it worked but I feel like a lot of character development happened during the smut.
Also binge reading makes it real obvious the art style was changing around a lot... but it was all good art imo so I kind of enjoyed the switch ups.

3 rats in a trenchcoat's questions ( All 1 )

Snotbaron January 6, 2024 4:40 pm

This is driving me nuts- trying to find a BL manga/manhwa with a specific scene I remember.
It was after the 2 mcs had sex, one of them basically had a gay awakening and the dialogue was him saying something about how he had no idea being with someone could feel so good... or something more poetic.
Anyways if someone knows what I'm taking about based on this very small bit of info, you're a wizard and deserve all my positive vibes.

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I am a genderless ball of goo. I am also old.

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