Visenya's experience ( All 0 )

Visenya's answer ( All 2 )

about question
lots of issues - sexism/racism forefront. But even then issues with her campaign and not going into what she was going to do. Same issues biden had really.. I truly don't understand how anyone could think trump was the better choice regardless but here we are. Worst part is all of the worst people are gloating right now because trump won.   1 reply
2 hours
about question
I feel like ppl who bitch about sexual content gotta be minors cus there is plenty of content not including sex u can read through. plus this fucking site is built on gay sex like.. ofc people wanna see them fuck? saying ppl need to touch grass when ur out of touch with reality... lmao, lol even.   1 reply
4 days

Visenya's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did having friends

I miss my friends so much... and no, they did not die
they're just busy with their college shenanigans rn and I got no plans :')

1 hours
did app you wanna hide from others

yall I'm not gatekeeping anymore
for the AI bot users out there, try HiWaifu y'all it's amazing— the bots; no nsfw limitations and poetic af

1 hours
did painting

Want to paint more, but I draw more often than paint

12 hours