When I started this it was really not my cup of tea. Like, I tried reading it twice from the beginning(I stopped after 10ch or so I think), before really giving it a shot. And I was rather pleasantly surprised, the plot gets more and more interesting after each ch, cause ya start trying to figure out what's really going on in this story, questioning etc... So I'm actually glad that I've sticked to it till the end, for sure it might not be one of my favs Bl, but I definitely woul recommend readig it.
2nd couple tho is ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

WOWWWWW I read that chapter twice cause honestly I'm so proud that the author made it like this. The seme acknowledges his mistake/faults and genuinely apologize to the uke (like he KNOWS that it was "rape"), like we got an fucking apology here guuyyysssss, one that is sincere, cause I've read too many Bl's were they've just let it pass/slide, as if it's normal to sexualize "rape".
I can sleep in Peace now♡♡♡