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Bl (23) 2023-07-03 0
Favs(1) 2024-04-21 0
Haikyuu DJ!!(20) 2024-09-27 0
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Joonbot's topics ( All 5 )

Joonbot August 11, 2024 3:55 pm

Can someone tell me who the couple is at the bottom the chibi versions near the uploader name

Joonbot January 26, 2024 6:38 pm

Ik it's been a tough ride and most of you don't really liked the ending but cmon guys the creator nim did an awesome job with the artstyle here like they look so pretty !!! And duhh these situations are much more common in real life than u think but u guys want ideal world on an imaginary bl manhwa tf. U didn't like it ok fine don't recommend it, don't reread it it's ok but stop hating it so much no one's praising her for the art, the timely updates , the inner monologues specially jooin's
Creator nim i loved this. Thank u so much for ur hardwork

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