Rottenfujoshija created a topic of Boy’s lipstick

That red hair bitch better thank God Taewha is a softie. Following me into my home without my permission?! Going somewhere I specifically told you not to, after I said I as uncomfortable with you in my personal space. Celebrity or not, naive or not I would have rocked her shit. Nobody invades my personal space just because you wanna be friends. She doesn't know you get over yourself! Ugh she just ruined the story for me, such a self centered hoe.

She is so selfish and inconsiderate. She should have come clean ages ago, because she knew exactly how he felt for her. But instead of giving him a chance, and seeing him for who he was. She keeps persecuting him and judging him for what his ancestors did centuries ago. Hes paying for a crime he didn't commit, and being told its cause he looks like the criminal. Wtf that bitch gotta go down, send my man another baddie that's gonna love him for him. How you expect understanding from the person you didn't offer it to? She didn't even once try to give him a chance. Bitch please

Can one person who is supposed to be an adult and a mother be such a stupid pushover. She like a God darn puppet. She's the empress has she forgotten. Kmt

Rottenfujoshija created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Like honestly why is the semester acting all scared, this is the real world not his stupid rabbit la la land. There is no way he can just take Haru

98 chapters and no notable progress in the relationship. Next