Please enjoy this last* chapter of Volume 2!

I love you guys

Thankkkkkkk Youuuuuuuuu <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Please follow us for the latest!

I feel like crying thank you so much!!!

Yo is this real life? You guys are the best!

do i have to have tumblr to follow u guys ?
can i support u with anything else ?

Hi! Thank you for the support! https://www.tumblr.com/blog/robinhoodscansblog

Thank you Robin Hood scans!
I too have done scanlations and cannot understand this whole underground thing that sometimes happens. The main reason I scanlated was because I wanted to read a certain story, but I also know that just like I wanted to read something there are countless people that want to read it too, so thanks again for being for the people.

Chapter 13 & 14 are not our scans. These scans were uploaded by someone else that did not have permission to do so by the other party. ROBIN HOOD SCANS purchased all 3 magazines to scanlate...
It seems to be a waste because someone posted the chapters from somewhere else online.
We don't even know if there is a point in doing chapter 15~~~if there is going to be someone who takes it from elsewhere...
We were created to help the readers read beautiful work...
But I guess we aren't needed.
For others that appreciate our time and would like to give us their thoughts on Chapter 15 please contact us at our Tumblr

I've been keeping up with Robin Hood Scans here and recently on tumblr and your goodwill and initiative :) I was honestly very grateful and touched you guys were willing to pick this up for free. That's so kind of you guys!! I think it's wrong for somebody to have stolen work and upload it without permission but hopefully (ideally) they'll stop here? If they had chapter 15 I'm sure they would have uploaded at once.
I really don't want all your efforts to have gone to waste that is not fair and I cannot stress how thankful I am that you guys went as far as to purchase to soft copies ahdkdjdjjajsj. I say carry on if you don't mind! I'm sure readers would rather appreciate a non-stolen version instead. :)

Actually, if you guys keep translating this work, it would be great. The other group translating this is a private group I think. This is one of my favorite works but it was ruined by the back and forth sabotage between the readers and scanlators. So if you guys don't pick this up, most of us won't get to read this since we have to jump through several hoops to read it and even then, someone posts the group's work on public sites and ruins it for everyone as it just makes the poor scan team more aggravated and take it out on everyone.
I understand their position on it but the whole thing is just kinda toxic. And I didn't want to deal with that just for one manga I like.

The person who stolen the chapters and uploaded here only want to ruin this for everyone they don’t care about the manga, the history or the effort that the scanlations are putting to bring this for others, it’s really frustrating that one person is ruining this for everyone.

I am really sorry to hear that. There some people that don't want for this manga to be translate by othe group by doing sabotage, but please ignore them and we all gonna give our thanks to you. This manga is one of rare Shonen Ai where bring a lot of important topic regarding LGBT community and its relatable to a lot of people including me. You can count with your finger how many BL that have a realistic out look on Gay people. This manga is one of them. If you keep translating it, you will done a great service to entire community.

Also is just my suggestion. For certain manga like this one, its probably better to not annouce your progress report on scan. There is definitely certain group that watch your group Tumblr and try to sabotage your guys wonderful work at last minute. We all really hope you all guys keep translate the chapter 15 even if you don't report the progress online. You can even alaso upload your chapter 13 and 14 work to this site too. We dont care if it double post as long we know the person wo done it have good intention behind it. We really love your guys work for the series so please dont drop it.


Yea please don't drop this. I think we would all go crazy if you did. We really need a team like you out there, I love all the work you guys do. If it's a problem then take it down and just upload your stuff, whoever uploaded this probably either wants to start drama or didn't know you guys were going to translate the rest since it's been awhile. WE NEED YOU GUYS so please don't give up. There are a few cracked eggs, don't mean the rest are bad. (●'◡'●)ノ

Ok, I don't honestly see why there is argument over this. I prefer your scans, but still don't see why anyone would need your permission to upload theirs, unless they stole them from you. There used to be NO ONE working on this, so it makes me rather glad that multiple groups are. Creates not only competition but also more guarantee / backup for the reader if one team decides to drop. I suppose it might be common courtesy to let you know so you can decide whether you want to continue if someone else picks it up but still just wanted to state my opinion.
Having said that, I'm super grateful. I love this manga and hope you don't drop it since this is the more stable group

You dont get anything. RHS didnt upload any of their scans. They had no time. The scans here are from the private group who didnt want to post publicy but someone leak them here and now they close their site. RHS bought 3 chapters, the last ones and was editing and translating them but now that 2 of them are out here they feel like they do it for nothing. And even if they work on the last one that isnt here what happen if someone leak it from the private group too? They was doing it to provide it for the rest of us that arent in the private group but with the leaking the two groups are angry and maybe stops from scaning for everyone at once. Ita kind of surrealist and stupid how human being is really. That leaker must have some serious issues in his self-steem.

No no please continue. I'll wait for your translations. Please don't stop please.

I'll wait for you guys, so please continue. Also it's a little suspicious that they were posted just as you said you were going to take it on as a project. So please continue don't get discouraged!

Uhmm, i'm thankful if your group is willing to continue the scanlations. But usually a group do scans happily for their team specially and readers generally. So there's nothing like "we aren't needed". Even if there are more than one scanlations version out, you will have your own reader and so will the other group, you need no worry at all. If it's hard to decide between continue or drop, just talk itu out with your members, is doing it will let you guys be happy or not. If the members only feel the pressure to please the reader, i think it's wiser to drop it.

Sorry it has taken us so long to reply to the comments on this thread. Just to clarify and clear the air on this huge misunderstanding, we aren't concerned about who's version is uploaded, of course in the case, it was the Anons private works that were uploaded here by a leaker even though she had explicitly stated that her scanlations were not to be posted publicly. Overall, we are happy that the public (fans who hadn't managed to gain access to her website) were able to read ch13/14. Our post about continuing was aimed at whether we should finish chap 15 or move onto another project, we don't mind doing chapter 15 and progress is well underway now but we do not want to be nearly done with the chapter and then a leaker leaks Anons hard work onto a public forum. Does this make sense? We are happy to finish Koi Mono and our members are working very hard to get the latest chap of this beautiful story to you but if there is going to be another leak then we would rather begin working on our other projects. This was the frustration we felt a few days ago, but I can assure that work is being done to complete ch15 and we hope you will stick around to see it!
There are more progress updates and posts with some important information at our tumblr
Thank you,
Robin Hood Scans

Please don't fight over this. We hope The Anon will continue to release her projects on her private forum (her readers must respect her decision to only release privately) and respect that we will do some of the same projects with our own scans on our public forum. Stay tuned for chapter 15 and thank you for the support!

Thank you for your support! Our team has continued with their work and we hope The Anon can recover from this too, we hope to see her back in the scan world soon! Please support both groups and don't give in to the hate displayed amongst some of the readers. Stay tuned for chapter 15, we'll reveal it first on our tumblr!

Thank you for your support and stay tuned for chapter 15!

We will not get discouraged and we will not speculate further into the happenings of the last few days, we hope The Anon may get some peace now and we will continue work for chapter 15, so stay tuned!

Thank you for your encouragement and please stick around for chapter 15! It will be revealed first on our tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/robinhoodscansblog

Work on chapter 15 is underway, check our tumblr for progress updates and that is where we will release chapter 15 first! https://www.tumblr.com/blog/robinhoodscansblog

Thank you for your support! We hope to continue to be a reliable group and we have many projects planned in the future. For now, stay tuned for chapter 15! We can't wait to bring it to you guys!

You make a great point, we hope none of the other scan groups are picking up Koimonogatari out of of pettiness... but, on the brighter side... at least the readers will get to read the story even sooner! Thank you so much for your kind words and insight, it is deeply appreciated! Watch out for chapter 15 in the near future, the reveal will be on our tumblr first https://www.tumblr.com/blog/robinhoodscansblog

Follow us at Robin Hood Scans!
Cleaners please apply with us!!!
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I see a ray of hope and sunshine! Thank youuu god bless ur soul. In case that selfish scanlation bothers you, dont mind them pleaaaase


I'm trying really hard to follow but I'm on tablet and the link opened another tab and after trying to login it made me download the tumblr app SO I DID and I login to try the link again and they try to make me download the app AGAIN but I already have it now so I'm like "screw this I'll just do this manually" and I type in the name of the group with spaces, without spaces, with caps, without caps, NOTHING IS WORKING
How to follow when I can't even find the group through the link? Tell meeeeeee!

So sorry for the late reply!! Thank you for following!!

Our team initially thought the magazine would be available for DIGITAL purchase....and we have no problem purchasing the magazines (it's in our basket to check out now)
The only roadblock we are running into is~~~our cleaner only knows how to clean from DIGITAL copies....so they are not familiar with "dusting" "aligning" etc (tasks that come with taking from a physical copy----that's why we have stayed away from those
┗( T﹏T )┛
PLEASE if you know anyone or you ARE someone who knows how to dust & align ~~~~don't worry we don't need you to clean!

http://www.ebookjapan.jp/ebj/ Maybe here you can purchase the magazine

have you scanned it already? with high resolution like 600 ppp?

The package is coming today, if you have experience with this would you be ok to email us here or at [email protected]

We have little to no experience with this sort of thing so any advice would be greatly appreciated, if you don't feel comfortable talking to us with a username, head over to our tumblr and message us there! https://www.tumblr.com/blog/robinhoodscansblog
If you’re following us on Tumblr you would’ve read this hours ago.....
But here you all go!
—Robin Hood Scans
thank you (▰˘◡˘▰)