The stone concept was interesting at first, but it became so ridiculous to me. The writer is trying too hard to create a compelling story by shoving and throwing all these convenient plot devices without actual development. This is the epitome of bad writing. Fite me.

It is bad writing. I know some readers want to defend the author from this criticism and keep pumping the story as good but 'A Man Like You' is as bad as it gets in terms of poorly structured story telling, poorly developed characters, a plot that doesn't make sense and the list goes on. Since there are no other works of this author here is hard to know if mediocrity and bad writing is a trait or if is just an exception. Sometimes a good artist/writer creates something embarrassing by their own standards.

This manga's sort of taken the route of AOT for me. In the beginning it was so compelling and interesting, and was honestly one of my favorite mangas. Both Siwon and Jinha would mess up, and redeem themselves later on. But now it's sort of unraveled and has become so ridiculous that I can't take it seriously anymore. All the character development they go through is quickly brushed to the side, characters become shallow and the plot becomes confusing and mundane. Ugh, it's awful to admit but one of my once favorite mangas just isn't what it once was anymore ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

It was once my favorite, too. This manhwa was one of those that really got me into the realm of BL manhwas so it was a bit special to me. It's saddening that it's become such a disappointment. There even once was a time when I would kill for an update for this manhwa. Now, I would like to kill the characters.

If Siwon could have just reported the psycho to the authorities, he wouldn't have been kidnapped and harassed AGAIN. Why does the creator let him continue to be dumb? He could have filed a temporary restraining order from that cunt.

Let's remember that dude managed to evade the police after he kidnapped Donghyun and on top of that shut an entire college up from bullying Siwon. It's obvious his family has a lot of influence. However, Siwon wasn't very smart to ride to the bar with him... but he probably assumed nothing would happen to him in public. Also he wasn't in a very good place to begin with because he was depressed about falling out with Jinha...
HONESTLY though... Jinha should have told him sooner about Xuan then they could have came up with a plan to expose him on media or something. I don't know, no one really thought anything through. Maybe they underestimated him.

Looking back at that chapter and reading what I just said... we are only assuming he rode with him. He could have just as easily met at the bar with him because there is a skip from where he said "wait" to where they are drinking at the bar. Still wasn't a wise decision to meet with someone who was obviously dangerous but I just felt he had super clouded judgement at that point.

I hope people saying that this manga is good can wake up. How can people like characters making stupid decisions, doing stupid things and having ridiculous behaviors???? Can someone PLEASE explain to me.

Probably that can't be named but what can be named is a manhwa that has such a dumb character that puts all this together and multiply over a thousand.
Siwon is a over the top dumb character that at this point is portrayed as practically brainless just for the sake of some kink fan service where the pure damsel in distress gets BDSM sex with the bad guy.
You can name a manhwa where a 23 year old grown up man is as gullible as a 8 year old child who keeps getting manipulated over and over again by the exact same trick and guy? The chapter that Siwon gets in the car with Lu Xuan and goes drinking with him can't be qualified under any precedent manhwa usual 'plot'.
You just don't get int the car of the person who already drugged you once and abused you. A 5 year old knows that and no, you can't name any other manhwa with such a mentally challenged character.
To pick the stupidity and mediocrity of a character like Siwon who got dumped down to an intellectual age below his teens and qualify as other usual manhwas characters doesn't work. You don't need to wait to get the manhwa who created the dumbest uke that is supposed to have mental capacity of an adult. It's called 'A Man Like You'. ... or more fitting ' A Dumb Man Like You'.

No, I can't but at least I can name a few with characters that are likable and actually DEVELOP and GROW. At least I can name manhwas with plots that let the characters who own up, learn, and make themselves accountable for their mistakes.
Making the right choices, never getting confused, angry, stressed or depressed and never getting into arguments or conflicts... these do not define a good and likeable character because that would make them too perfect and boring. A character is established by his or her personality, motivations, agency, his attitude and reactions toward confusion, anger, conflicts, drama etc. From what I've read, Siwon is becoming less and less likable. He has no common sense, and lacks character agency, which is infuriating. If he liked Jinha, why wouldn't he at least give him the benefit of the doubt and not fully trust that Chinese guy. And wtf he's even blaming Jinha for everything that happened to him. He actually said it was all Jinha's fault why he got into that situation. Just. Wow. Instead of facing his problems, he always runs away. Yeah, he did regret what he said but did he do anything about it?? NO. He is just soooooo passive a character; no agency at all. He didn't even apologize for saying terrible things to Jinha. And now he's getting into another trouble. Wtf was he thinking when he went into the car?? What was he expecting to get from the bastard that drugged, harassed and bullied him? Would a sane person really make the decision to go with him??
On the other hand, the villain is just a plain douchebag. His crush for Siwon could have been a potential drive for him to develop as a character. He could have been someone who we, the readers, could sympathize with, if not empathize. But no, he continued being a bastard and an asshole. He's just a plain psychopath and sociopath.
I can't call Jinha a great character either. Why didn't he talk things out with Siwon about the problem at hand and come up with a plan together (or at least a compromise)? He only made decisions about their relationship on himself.
I think the main problem here is the never-ending drama and the downward spiral of the plot. It actually was a pretty okay manga in the beginning and I had high hopes that it would get better but no, it just decided to go downhill, it's ridiculous. The writer just doesn't give the characters justice.
As what I've said before, this sh*t is overrated af. It doesn't deserve a 9.5 to me. There are better manhwas out there that deserve more love and attention.

Of course you heard it all before. That's what the readers have been pointing out about this story. That's the whole point of it. Or do you imagine that every people just made up a new thing?
And I did answered your question. That was the very first line. You are not the smartest tool in the box, are you?

It's not about characters being unrealistically perfect and never making any errors, but character growth just as how in real life we all emotionally develop and hopefully learn from our mistakes. Here are a couple of examples.
- Lover boy. Eunho is the same age as Siwon, he has done his military service and also suffers dependency issues related to childhood. Both M.C's struggle throughout, there is anxiety, self hatred, separation but more importantly there is communication, taking responsibility and maturity.
- Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku. Concerns domestic abuse. They both separate and find other partners. There is a lot of introspection and growth, no one blames anyone else for their wrong doings. It shows how the "bad guy" became that way, and importantly how he can change his behaviour and have a healthy relationship with someone new rather than clinging onto something that should not be.
(back story and their future. It shows the abusive boyfriend who was the seme, become the "uke" in his new relationship too, seeing as people find such details important)

Name one where the MC makes all the wrong choices ALL the time, is ALWAYS dazed and confused, angry, stressed or depressed and ALWAYS gets into an argument and always puts himself in conflict and a bad situation. PLUS: He do it over and over again manipulated but the same guy.
You don't need to wait for this one: Siwon from 'A Man Like You'.
See the fallacy of your comparison? There is a HUGE difference between a character with a believable amount of stupidity and what is is now the golden standard for the stupidest MC. Siwon and this story is in a whole other level of anything you described because that is all he does over and over and over and over again. 62+ chapters of Siwon doing the same stupid mistake and having the same behavior. Put this shit piece of badly written character in the same level of any other manhwa is a disrespect to good characters. The author insults the readers intelligence with Siwon being such a defenseless, idiotic patsy who can't make simple easy decisions and this has nothing to do with any of what you described.

He/she just said "Probably that can't be named... " to your question that is "Can you name a BL manhwa that has an MC who makes all the right choices, never gets confused, angry, stressed or depressed and never gets into any arguments or conflicts or bad situations?" You just called him/her rude. Who's the rude one now?
And what's with you saying "Heard it all before. Like did you literally copy and paste someone else's comment?" ?? Wow. At least try to counter argue what he/she said instead of saying it's a copy from someone else's comment. Or is it that you don't actually have anything else to say to argue what he/she just said.

Y'all writing novels and shit explaining why you hate something and yet when this manhwa updates here you all are again. Maybe the story will never satisfy you and that's fine. You can stick to your opinions. But why not just stop reading it? Stop returning and telling people who do still enjoy the manhwa that we shouldn't or that we should "wake up". Honestly, what the fuck are you even doing here? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ It's simple really. Manhwas I don't enjoy are manhwas I don't keep reading. Common sense, guys.

I keep coming here for the hopes of seeing the story improve. Guess what, it has not. What's the point of having the comment section?? Do you expect the comments to be all praises? Others can also actually learn from the comments, even those that love this manhwa, especially if they point out the bad things about it and not just saying "this is a terrible manhwa" because then maybe one day when they write or create their own stories, they would already know what NOT to write to make a good story.
And hey, other people, especially new readers also ask opinions from people who've already read this manhwa because they want to know if it's good or if it's not worth reading at all. Who'd want to read a manga that would just waste their time?? THIShis way, they'd know just by reading the comments and responses.
I give comments because I also want to share my thoughts and feelings about a subject. Others may care or not. Why are people so butthurt with negative comments? Let's be open-minded shall we? You can disagree with my opinions so then maybe we can agree to disagree.

1. Here U Are - read it. while he did get angry, he still stay a smart mother fucker you don't want to mass with.
2. Jazz for two - the character do change and move on and learn things, wow they actually "learn" to move on and change. how amazing is that, since "a guy like you" seem to never be able to do that shit.
3. Can't take my eyes off you - again a good example how you don't need a shit and over the top drama to make a good story. and yeas the character change and grow of course, like any good story should. what again, missing in "a guy like you"
I already name 3 comic that don't need over the top and stupid drama to be good or any bad situations they can avoid. I can name more if you want, but I think you get my point by now.

Here U Are and Jazz for Two are my favorites! Such lovable and straightforward characters that take no bs from others. I still have to read Can't take my eyes off you though.
One manga that I thought would also spiral down was My Starry Sky because I didn't know where it was going and the drana was so heavy. At least I can sympathize with the MC with what he was going through. Good thing I held onto it because my god the MC has matured and really grown. I'm now in love with that manga. I was hoping this manhwa would go better too, and Siwon would really grow some balls to fix his situation or at least reflect on it. Apparently, it's not going that way.

same! they are sooo good!! (≧∀≦)
I was thinking on Starry sky, but I didn't like the guy the MC was in love with, I mean I"m not blaming him for acting this way, but he kind of annoy me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but the one big thing I love about Starry sky, that I find very unique is that they actually go to psychologist. OMG we never seen it in like....ever in BL that the character's actually admit they need help and actually go to professional help (☆▽☆) that was amazing! I agree the MC really did matured and grown, I love him for it!
has for Siwon, I doubt he will change at this point, he had 60 chapter's to do that, yet he never change ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Jazz For Two is shit. Here You Are is brilliant, except YuYang misunderstands and is a complete hot head. If you guys can't take the drama then stick to less dramatic stories. It's that simple. I notice this with other dramatic manhwas too. If the story diverts, takes an unexpected turn or twist or the mc doesn't end up with his or her love interest, people get really angry. Its good to have an opinion but you can't really complain and get ahead of yourself when the story isn't even finished. You're not supposed to know where the story is going because would that not be completely boring? I'm glad every conflict in a story isn't resolved right away.

You really think those are the reasons why people are criticising the character and plot development? Maybe spend some time catching up with the comments, as this really isn't the case and I'm sure most people are getting fed up with having to repeat the same things to people who aren't getting why this series is attracting such negative feedback.

Please tell me how you find Jazz for Two shit. And I guess you're right... I'm just really gonna give up and drop this manhwa. I'm tired of waiting for the characters to grow up.
I don't really mind if the MC doesn't end up with his love interest, as long as the story is good and that we can actually relate or at least sympathize with the characters, which this manhwa had the potential to have. And isn't repetitive and dragging "plot twists" and conflicts also boring? This manhwa suffers from that. It's so repetitive it has become predictable, cliche and boring.
Anyway, what other "dramatic" manhwas are you talking about??

Yep, I love a good dramatic, psychological manga where there is actual character development and the plot is somewhat realistic to the setting/character behaviour. The story here started off covering quite a serious issue of child abuse, and how this manifests into dependency issues. Then we get gaslighting, emotionally and verbally abusive adult Siwon re-entering the scene and it all started to go down hill. Why? Because his behaviour wasn't properly conveyed as being abuse, and instead the author choose to paint Jinha as the one in the wrong. There has been zero growth, introspection or maturity that you would expect from people of their age group. Siwon's lack of risk awareness too is getting a bit grating, either the author should present him as a man with a learning difficulty which influences this, or else they should more realistically present him as someone who has no respect or loyalty to his friends and puts himself at risk just to gossip or because he fancies someone. Once again, lot's of other mangas have presented characters who do deliberately put themselves at risk of being physically and emotionally hurt in order to essentially self harm, or as a response to trauma, or because they are feeling normal emotions such as still being in love with an abusive partner etc etc etc but in "A man like you" this isn't the case.
Can't be bothered to type any more, but you get the jist. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I read a lot of dramatic stories, but in a man like you it's not really drama anymore, it a circle. has I said before, it have zero conflict, you know what a circle right?
Jazz for two at least have much more "conflict" that actually mean something and been solve then "a man like you" ever had and at least the character's there are much more honest. yeas, Jazz for two was actually a much more fun to read and know who to focues on. I have no problam with drama, I have a problam with a comic using the same plot twist over and over in a circle hat already been used before.
actually in Starry sky the mc didn't end with his "love" and people love this MC and the story. so yeas you besically making up BS now.
I don't need the story to be finish, cause I know how it end, again "a man like you" is a predictable shit just like Twilight. hell even twillight was better then the crap we seen in "a man like you", it least it didn't go in circle's for 60 chapter's ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ it's not about a conflict been "solve" it's about how a conflict change the character's and making them grow more from how they were in the start.
what they "learn" in the story, what again "a man like you" had zero learning for both MC's.

Yep, it is very repetitive and predictable. I'm guessing it will end with Siwon blaming his time with the Chinese guy on the magic stones in order for his friend and Jinha not to reject him, then Jinha because of his attachment issues will welcome Siwon back into his arms, Siwon will cry as usual, and Jinha will say it's all his fault for using his mum's stone in the first place and by bringing the Chinese guy into their lives.... boring.

I was keeping up with Jazz for Two and dropped it after chapter 15. I thought it was really boring. Starry Sky is really good though.

Yeah I get the gist. Thank you for giving a sensible reply. Siwon just doesn't know the consequences of his actions and actually had the audacity to blame Jinha. He only runs away instead of facing his issues. He actually needs professional help at this point because he can't even help himself. They need Dr Phil. Haha

Yeah, I get where you're coming from. I personally have not experienced the trauma of the guy so I can't really relate to him but I can at least sympathize with him because he has such a dysfunctional family and I know it's been really hard for him. Have you seen the raws?? (=・ω・=) There's a big growth to his character and their relationship and he's learning a lot from the MC.
I also like the themes of that manhwa; they're very relevant.

Maybe because you can't hear the music?? Kidding aside, I guess it's a matter of taste. I may like character-driven, slice-of-life-ish stories like Jazz For Two and you may like plot-twist, heavy drama-driven stories like A Man Like You. I'd rather have good characters than convoluted plotlines.
Anyway, what got you bored with Jazz for Two?? Is it the mundanity?

I wanted to see the raws but I can't really read what they say so I give up and wait for it to be in English ╥﹏╥ I really can't get the scene's if I can't read what they saying.
I"m sure he will get much better, but I didn't read those parts yet. still I can't wait for it (▰˘◡˘▰) also I like Jeez for two, even if people will say it's boring, I find it much more interesting then people gave it crudit for XD

I agree. Maybe it's boring for them because there is no heavy and unnecessary drama in Jazz for Two. I actually find that manhwa quite refreshing. It has deep characters that you can actually care for and relate to. The MC knows what he wants and isn't wishywashy, and isn't a passive pushover. That's what makes him very likable. They also deal with their inner demons in a healthy way. And the conflicts... they get resolved by talking them out. We as readers could feel that they care about each other and aren't very selfish. Siwon on the other hand, is always like, "Oh no, what is going to happen to ME?? What are they gonna say about ME??" I mean there's nothing wrong about worrying about yourself but man, he wasn't the only one affected by the situation... He wasn't the ONLY victim. If he really cared for Jinha then he should've been worried about him too. Instead, he goes blaming everything on him. He doesn't even own up to his mistakes and never learns. Tsk3x.
Jazz for Two for me, is definitely leagues better. It has better character development and dynamics than AMLY.

lol I just now realize "a man like you" short cut is AMLY (≧∀≦)(≧∀≦)
but yeas I agree with you! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧a good story don't need stupid unnecessary Cliche drama crap. and still Jeez for two have planty of drama with the brother death and all. it soo good that it choose not to go over the top. I love it!
Siwon though, I didn't like him for a long time, he never learn or took responsibility for anything he did. he abuse Jinha for soo many times by now. it wasn't new, it just now show how much selfish he was from the start. he never change, he never stop and think about anyone but himself. not just about Jinha, but about anyone around him.
what else you read that was good by the way??? I need more good comic ヾ(☆▽☆)

Here you go

I really like those mangas too! I think Base to Base fits into the list too, there isn't much drama and the characters aren't stupid

Lmao. Definitely because I can't hear the music. But anyways, I don't think it's because it is slice-of-life because I really enjoyed Cherry Blossoms After Winter. And it is true that I enjoy drama-driven plots such as AMLY. But I think AMLY's charm for me is that the characters are flawed and they make mistakes. It's true that the characters in Jazz for Two are straight-forward and know what they want... but that is exactly what makes it boring for me. I think it all boils down to preference.

Just wanted to throw in one that really caught my attention recently, The Best Smell. Very little over the top drama, an extremely honest character

Nobody cares Lucy, you just think he's hot. You feel free and rub one out over there, we'll be over here outside of imagination land not acting like this manga is good "because it's so bad it's good". We don't keep coming back because it's good, we keep coming back because SEASON 1 was good and we're hoping it'll go back to an interesting plot with characters who actually grow again. There was no need to drop plot for porn in S 2... There was a great amount of sex appeal AND story in S 1, then the shitty 2nd one comes along and introduces a character and dtone that do nothing for the plot already established in S 1. Get your horny ass a vibrator and stop with your shit posting, drink some water before you get TOO thirsty. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Lol. Everything you think about me is completely wrong. Get your horny ass a vibrator? Where the hell did that come from? Why are you so mad at me because my opinion is different? Honestly, I'm over it. I'm going to enjoy the story and you can keep coming back to complain about it. I hope it steers completely off track and continues to upset you
Dafuq. That was absurd. Maybe the abrupt ending of the "main couple" was thrown out because the writer just didn't like them anymore and wanted to move on to the next couple. Haha. I didn't like the uke because he was such a bitch. And I still don't like him.
Exactly,uke was so annoying,i couldn't like him even at the end.And it's really lame we didn't get to see the hot kind blond dude fuck the hell out of him,the bitch was good only for that