Although it was harsh, it makes sense for her character. When she reject the guys at the spade club and her brothers new affection neither of them took no for an answer. It also seems like she puts on a smile and speaks gently with people she doesn’t trust and dislikes. I think her straight forward and harsh rejection was her way of showing that she trusts him enough to take no for an answer and that she considers him close enough to not need a fake smile. I also like how they met again to talk about why exactly she rejected him instead of leaving bad blood.
I really like the direction the story seems to be going with Sierra’s character. She went from two face snake whose only purpose was to uphold her family’s honor and marry the prince to independent and strong willed women who i spiders the people around her to do better (even if that’s not her intention). I also really enjoy her explanation on how she just is. She isn’t broken or pitiful, and there are multiple ways to find happiness. I just hope the author sticks to this idea. Marriage is great, but I really can’t see the current Sierra finding happiness in marriage. Even if she does end up marrying, I hope she remains as independent as she is now, and that the story doesn’t change it’s focus to just romance.
the story was cute, but the characters and outfits were kinda cringey.
What’s with all the patterns? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone wear a cheetah print turtle neck before. Who goes to sleep in a crop top? why does mc have a shirt that looks like the floors at pump it up? You could have googled outfit ideas or just put them in a few repetitive outfits and it would be fine.
Although , the senpai’s story and personality was interesting, she gives me major “I’m not like other girl” or edgy middle schooler vibes. I’d cringe so hard if someone told me “ do you like the me you see now or the real me.”
Other than those two things this story was very cute and wholesome. Also the food looked good.