Onigiri's experience ( All 0 )

Onigiri's answer ( All 9 )

about penpals
I'm looking for friends to talk lots of with,my line id is onigiri_ai   1 reply
27 06,2018
about penpals
Onigiri 27 06,2018
Can i still join?my id line:onigiri_ai   reply
27 06,2018
about penpals
I also don't have any friends who loves anime,my line id is onigiri_ai.I would love to chat about many things.I'm 19 year old Southeast asian from California   reply
26 06,2018
about penpals
Onigiri 26 06,2018
Please add me,my line id:onigiri_ai   reply
26 06,2018
about penpals
I'd like to join too,hope its not too late.line id:onigiri_ai   reply
26 06,2018

Onigiri's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being an insomniac

I used to be such a chronic insomniac at some point, but it's improving rn. Or not, idk. I'm trying my best to fix my sleep schedule

16 hours
did coping with ocd

been working on it since i was 7!

17 hours
did ending friendships

they were always a shit person tbh but my limit was when they admitted to being a genuine pedo

19 hours