This is an Overprotective Bf X Overthinker Bf typa relationship and this manga SERIOUSLY NEED VOL. 2 because we need Takeo's pov badly.... and it seems i think a lot of people in the comments misunderstood his character.
Well this is just my imo but first of all regarding in the main story with Ao, I really do think Takeo's feeling for him wasn't romantic at all. He's naturally a caring guy which we can see that here, how he takes care of Wako because he's "weak"(body) and I think he saw Ao in his "weak" state that it trigger something in him that he needed someone to help him or protect him. It just happens that he got involved in the main couple's misunderstanding that it made him think that it's actually possible to fall in love with the same sex too.
As for Takeo's feeling for Wako.... sadly we didn't see his pov, ugh!(this could have been perfect) we can only see his subtle reactions and actions but I think he genuinely did fall in love or also inlove the whole time with Wako(they just both don't know lol),,, like him getting jealous when someone trying putting scarf thing.
We only see Wako's pov in this story and him being a super duper overthinker doubtful with Takeo feelings.. made a lot readers doubtful too i guess...
But the thing is i couldn't blame him at all since he already made a resolution that he's always gonna be the "best friend" for his "straight best friend" for the rest of their lives!