This is an Overprotective Bf X Overthinker Bf typa relationship and this manga SERIOUSLY NEED VOL. 2 because we need Takeo's pov badly.... and it seems i think a lot of people in the comments misunderstood his character.
Well this is just my imo but first of all regarding in the main story with Ao, I really do think Takeo's feeling for him wasn't romantic at all. He's naturally a caring guy which we can see that here, how he takes care of Wako because he's "weak"(body) and I think he saw Ao in his "weak" state that it trigger something in him that he needed someone to help him or protect him. It just happens that he got involved in the main couple's misunderstanding that it made him think that it's actually possible to fall in love with the same sex too.
As for Takeo's feeling for Wako.... sadly we didn't see his pov, ugh!(this could have been perfect) we can only see his subtle reactions and actions but I think he genuinely did fall in love or also inlove the whole time with Wako(they just both don't know lol),,, like him getting jealous when someone trying putting scarf thing.
We only see Wako's pov in this story and him being a super duper overthinker doubtful with Takeo feelings.. made a lot readers doubtful too i guess...
But the thing is i couldn't blame him at all since he already made a resolution that he's always gonna be the "best friend" for his "straight best friend" for the rest of their lives!

Well..... all these bunch of 16 yrs old huh.....
I really thought at first that there's some cursed in their school or the cards itself are cursed, because all the adults/teachers seems scared to do something about their school. All that suspense and turns out it's just an ordinary game play cards.
//sigh ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ NGL I'm disappointed,,, the potential of this manga could have been if they play the game of cards right but too bad a lot of characters are just busy doin sex than actually do something about that "caste game".
We didn't even know where and who TF started this whole ass game!? Is it the student council?! there's no clear conclusion about the game they just suddenly beat the system with the power of friendship.
What I really don't like about this manga is that they use "rape" as plot device too much like it needed to happen so the story could move, which is actually the plot is not really plotting because there's no plot in this manga, just a lot of yaoi smut seggs~
//sigh Speaking of rape, what all these main characters did to Atsumu really..... it doesn't really sit well with me, it's just fucked up,, raping him to the point that it gave him trauma then they just brush it off like that because his Yandere bf crash out then they're all forgiven somehow, same with the other rapist too there's no consequences towards their actions, that's why it felt unfair and unsatisfying. Although I think Atsumu is the character that got the biggest character development so well, I'm happy he got his own happy ending.
//sigh TBH I really don't care about the main couple that much(they're not my cup of tea), I only read this to the very end
ofc because of SENZAKI x TATSUMI and AH I love these two freaky so much! They both so freakin love each other and match each other freaks so much! They're both so hot! it's unfair we got so little about them! i was waiting for their goddamm reunion... and im so bitter that we didn't even get a proper chapter for them like it's been years!!! We didn't even got a proper backstory for Senzaki too oH //sigh instead we got a lot of unnecessary characters that's not even relevant to the whole story //sigh (except Kyoko ily)
Well at least they both meet again and got happy ending YAY!
If only they actually play the game but instead the game played them instead. It could have been so good!
I like Ogawa Chise's work but this one really aint it~ wish this one is more than just a yaoi....

OK YALL! this the real definition of "GONNA MATCH MY FREAK" type of relationship! This manga is such hellaaa wild ride read that i don't know where do i fvckin begin.... Well tbh i kinda enjoy reading this, it made me think and feel different types of emotion like from being mad, sad, to smile that took me two days to finish bc i think some scenes are just too much...
First of all i did read the prequel before(like years ago) then finally read this bc uhmm i hated Rogi in prequel ngl but im interested since i do like this mangaka so
Anyway... i understand Uichi's character a bit BUT what he did to Tatsuyuki is still fckin unforgivable the way they just well "we yakuza it is what it is!" Pls be FR! If Asami is still here they would fckin kill you both! That's her baby!
I thought Uichi and Akitora got some conflict for years or Akitora did something to him but AH to my surprise his only reason is just so Akitora would pay attention to him...??? the fact that he wishes to let him go, to be a "better man" and still did that to Tatsuyuki years later, man... that's so fucked up!
I do wish this sort of plot hole was handled better in the story like he would actually tell Akitora what happened 3 years ago then Akitora would punch him!(Pls! out of respect for Asami) blablah or if something bad happen also to Reika his own daughter due to his actions and he would realize something(i know this is diabolical I love Reika, she's an angel) I just really want him to know the consequences or felt the guilt rather than him getting away and get easily forgiven.. but well we didn't get that since i know they're "Yakuza" or people of underworld so they do have different morality... It's just everything could have been perfect imo.
Despite all this i can't hate this manga at all since this is so well written! more like I do love and hate this work at the same time ahaha
When Scarlet Beriko said all these characters are "lovable assholes" i felt this very much!
I think this is more than just a BL... every characters is so complex, also somehow intertwined with the theme of "Jealousy" and it's so well done!
Also i think a lot of people misunderstand Akitora and Uichi relationship...? Yes they are both freaks in their own way but they are connected heart, body and soul. They are more than lovers they're soulmates!
(ok there some things more but this getting long so i'll stop yapping haha)

this is the type of manhwa that i can read with my last 2 braincells left tbh... its like 80% yaoi seggsssss then the rest of 20% are plot i guess....
tho i like the main couple they're so horny for each other and so fckin hot! and also what i really appreciate the most is the world building here because imo, Alpha in any omegaverse story are always over the top ceo boss chaebol heir or god complex ass type whatever, so it's nice to see that the other Alpha here or main couple do have an equal dynamic, they treat each other as equals.
But well too bad it's the complete opposite of the side story... well where do i begin.... the incest part is so unnecessary, both tops are trash!, they both don't deserve Dojun!
I just wannna say a lot but thinking about them makes feel uncomfortable and exhausted. Well a lot in the comments already explain the side couple dynamic so well and hellooo the fact that i am a usually a toxic yaoi enjoyer but the side pair was really not it, it's not giving anything! It just pissed me off that kinda ruin the whole thing for me. I hate love triangle bullshit the most ugh wish i didn't read the side story lol

The way this manga made me laugh and i keep smiling through every pages is so<3 thank you sensei for this precious manga! It's definitely goes to my fave list!
I so so love the way they love each other very much! everyone seems so nice... full of fluff..... oh to be loved and love someone like that.....
IM CRYING (/TДT)/ I really thought this is goin just to be about bdsm dark yakuza story thing BUT THIS MANGA HIT ME WITH THE FEELS AND WHOLESOME AND LOVE! NATORI!!! please im so so happy he finally found happiness, both of them are so kind(Rui too)! They deserve everything!
That "I Pine for you" , that line made me melt!
i really wish there's more of them<3
//straight goes to my fave list