Myeong-il BRUH!!! How do you say you want to get closer then violate his trust like that?? We might have finally gotten close to the deeper side of Jingi but now you may have fucked it up…WAIT so is Heonjae going to solitary? So so, Myeong-il is about to be alone with a pissed off Jingi…oh this man’s ass is about to resemble the rings of Saturn

Fuck those memories. I understand that Dooshik wants Jooha to have that “grass is greener on the other side” “my white knight really did come to my rescue” moment but he also got the chance to have Jooha fall in love with him all over again. That should be enough. Jooha is stronger, more self assure, SAFE!! Like let that be it please. He doesn’t need to remember Pilwon or being ran through in a back alley closet by 6 men to know he loves Dooshik and that Dooshik will never abandon him. Seems like “Mister” is Jooha’s version of “daddy”. Sounds good to me.

Yes it’s great for Jooha I still feel for dooshik and understand him he loves all versions of jooha but there is only one who went through all the pain with him and he can’t see him again that’s kinda sad. I’m sure Dooshik is glad jooha doesn’t remember he has said so that doesn’t mean he can’t mourn the past

How do we get it you ask? So Matthew tells Ryu to tell the school he is sick, but has him drop off his artwork for him then goes to rescue his man. Masked up ( no face, no case), literally comes in swinging, knocks the piss out of Brandon The Druggy Rapist and leaving him severely hospitalized with permanent memory loss. And our sweet Mafia and Sculptor of the year drive off in the sunset. Yea, that sounds nice…
Kim Dan found a nice little backbone to go with his matching set of balls this season hunny. He may be depressed but my man isn’t mincing words anymore. I can’t wait for him to use Jaekyung then drop his ass like a hot potato. Pleassseeee ruin his day KD. Leave him rotting in post orgasmic bliss like he did with you so many times before.