Long gone are the days of normal society.Aliens are pretending to be humans and are enchaining norma...

  • Author: mie
  • Genres: Action / Comedy / webtoons

Mc got an alien parasite rahh

Peepaw answered question about question
U could just naturally be a bit absent minded and process things slower, that's fine nuffin wrong with that, but if u find it really inconvenient try managing things like sleep, mood, nutrition, yk all that self care stuff. It might not completely solve the problem but it'll probably help. I think and react pretty slowly it's just how I am, but cer......
Peepaw did

62 people did   /   10 want to do


Peepaw answered question about question
I NEEEEEEED her I can't take it anymore
Peepaw created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I apologize for my earlier behaviour...

Peepaw created a topic of Eternal Covenant

I can smell Ian where is he where's my beautiful man give him to me I need him I crave him I waited through this damn flashback so give me my reward give me Ian I'm actually shaking rn I can't do this do you know how long I've been waiting you can't just place the most wonderful boy in front of me and then rip him away from me for over a year so where is he where's Ian where the fuck is Ian GIVE HIM TO ME RAGH RHAGFJAB RKANJD GIV EME IJ WILL FUCKIGN DETAROY YOU WHERE IS HEE WEHAER EIS HE UFCKIGNA FOAINF I NEED HUM WHERE IS HE HAND HIM OVER SOTP HOLDING HIM HISTAGE REWARRR WHEHJAN I'M STANDINGN OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE AUTHOR OPEN IANS CAGE AND DELIVER HIM INTO MY ARMS I WILL NUTURE HIM I WILL CARE FOR HIM I WILL LOVE HIM AUGH AOFJJBSJKDMS. INA CM R A RAWGRHA RGABNDMA DMALMVIHAGF AHRGAFTF A FKJIAHGJAKV RHAGHHFIJS FNABFHVAVD. AKFJOAJJFBHABJNDHS RGAGWGTBAHFRBA RNANKRHJAFGR B AR AHFGYBANFKJJDHBVNEGAhshd hav*EGGAH NFGTAVYRHUAJNFKKMANJF NWVGFFGAUNDJ NA

Peepaw answered question about question
Dawn of the dragon Don't really have any examples of how truly bad it is but my gawd is the art ugly. I hate their nasty ass sausage fingers and weird side profiles and way too buff bodies and stiff poses and the backgrounds r just generic 3d models and OHHHH BOY THE SEX SCENES. They're so gross (for more reasons than just the visuals but that's ......
Peepaw answered question about question
Makes me giggle a lot idk And I haven't had a halloween costume in years. Maybe I should get one this year. I wouldn't have anywhere to wear it tho so idk it feels kinda pointless.
Peepaw answered question about question
Getting every screen I can find so I can rewatch all my favourite shows at once until the world ends
Peepaw answered question about question
I wouldn't say "popular" but definitely well known. If you spend time on the forums and comments you'll probably start recognizing people, and then there's the occasional user that a lot of people recognize. I see peepee-drinker a lot but that's probably just cuz we've argued a few times and their name is in all caps LDMKAMKD a bunch of other peop......
Peepaw answered question about question
I go thru phases tbh sometimes I'm constantly watching anime and other times I don't touch it Last thing I really sat down and watched was yu-gi-oh in august LMAO I only got to like episode 50...
Peepaw created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Habibi carries this entire manhwa