i read anything i get my hands on.
top tier degenerate in how big my bars for reading things goes.
i range from completely dead dove concerning bls to full on fluffs. i take my fair share of gl sometimes and straight smut but do not look for it unless i hear good reviews.
there’s also a whole bulk of non bls and non romance i do read!
easily amused and entertained by most but i’m not looking for any sorts of internet drama so i will most likely never interact with anyone!
feel free to go through my disorganized lists to see if there’s anything you may like but i have a high chance of not responding to any messages left on my lists or sent to me.
typically responds in a week.
The author absolutely did not leave anyone hanging. It’s because of how the chapters are here are organized. Thanks for the translation but it’s a super big mess and panels ended up being a completely different chapter for some reason (There was supposed to be only 11 chapters; where the 11th is the end and completed chapter BUT we got 17 chapters over here.)