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God is such an interesting trope to tackle and I appreciate how the author handled both stories.

The first story is about the dangerous of falling into the hands of a cult and how it can prey on the vulnerable. It's also fascinating to think how Lief has always been brought up in a cult setting all his life always in search for some kind of happiness and meaning to his suffering vs Ross who probably led a shitty life, did drugs yet found Catholicism and chose to be come a priest.
There's also this hidden argument there that technically every religion is a cult but why are the larger scale organized religion is considered a religion, yknow? But so glad that the author decided not to explore that cause whewwww. We would have been volumes deep I've read their other works, they like to open up debate. And I quite like how short and neat the story ended.

I'm also just soooo relieved that Lief is able to distinguish his romantic feelings from religious devotion. I feel like he almost did (tattoo) but thank fucking god Ross shot that down and it probably made Lief ponder about it. Hahahah

2nd story is just a fun supernatural take on god and the miracles they can perform. I like how the god didn't take just one single form and took from people in the character's life (good and bad).

If you squint... There's like a "love is more powerful force" theme in both stories. considering 'god' appeared to the Ross and Lief as a heart shaped tentacle monster. While, Miki and Hana literally won the bet and got together because they love each other. haha