Like ñya's feed

I just honestly love how the teens really truly be teen-ing
I love how Iris and Leon are gonna have mellow drama. Like ofc a Leon turns into a lil emo boi when his first love rejects him. Him being so out of touch privileged rich kid that needs first hand experience to learn empathy is also just chef kiss character design.
And I love how Iris despite being someone who's written to be a level headed lady still has her moments of still being a child. She's 19 ofc she still has a bit of a childish side. I honestly love the arc where she decided to marry the old far and doesn't plan to tell her mother??? Most cause it's just such a teenager thing to do??? Idk. I was dumb and stupid like that once so I appreciate well written characters.

Lily and Ashley are also so well written too!!! Although I do find Ashley's story (finding her identity and what she wants to do) is a bit dragging. But I'm glad she loves her family. Lily being the most # relatable tho.