Like ñya's feed

Y'all are so mean to Garret.

I'm low-key giving him the benefit of the doubt. That poor man has been brainwashed and mentally/emotionally abused by Arriane. I can't really blame him for being "spineless". He's somewhat a victim in this too. He literally was literally at death's door and extremely vulnerable for Ari to dig her nasty claws in him. For a whole ass month while Lua was in recovery/coma unable to defend herself.

I'm just glad he's slowly realizing that he fucked up big time. I hope he manages to escape. Unlike the other antagonist he's got his heart in the right place in terms of trying to be a knight commander thinking of the people (but we all know Ari keeps interrupting and gaslighting him to pay attention to her). I really hope he has a redemption arc. He's still an asshole fersure but yknow. Food for thought.