Like ñya November 25, 2023 10:16 am

Yoo knows what he's doing. Lures them in with sex and now he's taking them on dates. Good for him. And now they're a cute happy trio.

It's just the art style but my god did he get smaller with all that activity?

Like ñya November 22, 2023 12:36 am

If I were to compare this to Titan's Bride.... This one is quite lack luster especially in terms of plot and the romance, they go through tropes and plot points so fast. I'm getting whiplash. The art and the smut is nice. But it got repetitive. Introducing possible 2nd ML (Diluc/Dolga), some conflict (kidnapping mostly), almost assult(Diluc)/romance(Dolga) that makes the ML Varuna jealous, they fuck(and it's the same song&dance), some big declaration of love and devotion from either Varuna or Rintaro.

I wish with the serialisation of the manga, the author could have taken the time to develop Varuna and Rinataro's emotional connection beyond being a fated pair and "sex is good". Especially on Rinataro's side.
The plot where he got taken back to his world was so disappointing. We could have gotten a bigger insight on who Rintaro is through friends and family, what makes him want/NEED to go back to Varuna's world, aside from "sex is good" and how much time has passed between the 2 worlds. I found it ridiculous they had to go to a shed at the back of the library to talk, just so the author can make them fuck in this world. Why couldn't we go back to Rintaro 's old home (if he still has it) or to make it kinky why not in an unused bathroom where there's a mirror....

The story could have been so much better or it just should have ended at ch7. the pacing then would've made so much more sense and less forced.

Like ñya November 20, 2023 4:22 am

I wanna applaud the author for mentioning the importance of safewords especially in extreme S&M play.
I've always heard of sub space, the euphoric trancelike state submissives get into that can significantly affect the submissive’s ability to communicate and interpret their limits. So it wild that Koto got into something similar ("Dom space

Like ñya November 20, 2023 3:09 am

I find it soooo bittersweet that it took a near death and a disability for shiro to quit the sex industry. I kinda get it tho... He can't give up the place because of memories and his childhood. That's on the trauma

but like...I guess the area is a busy commercial area which is is such a shame to sell. Must have been a hassle to change the business name under Google Maps.

Like ñya November 20, 2023 12:15 am

God is such an interesting trope to tackle and I appreciate how the author handled both stories.

The first story is about the dangerous of falling into the hands of a cult and how it can prey on the vulnerable. It's also fascinating to think how Lief has always been brought up in a cult setting all his life always in search for some kind of happiness and meaning to his suffering vs Ross who probably led a shitty life, did drugs yet found Catholicism and chose to be come a priest.
There's also this hidden argument there that technically every religion is a cult but why are the larger scale organized religion is considered a religion, yknow? But so glad that the author decided not to explore that cause whewwww. We would have been volumes deep I've read their other works, they like to open up debate. And I quite like how short and neat the story ended.

I'm also just soooo relieved that Lief is able to distinguish his romantic feelings from religious devotion. I feel like he almost did (tattoo) but thank fucking god Ross shot that down and it probably made Lief ponder about it. Hahahah

2nd story is just a fun supernatural take on god and the miracles they can perform. I like how the god didn't take just one single form and took from people in the character's life (good and bad).

If you squint... There's like a "love is more powerful force" theme in both stories. considering 'god' appeared to the Ross and Lief as a heart shaped tentacle monster. While, Miki and Hana literally won the bet and got together because they love each other. haha

    WEEE April 4, 2024 12:27 pm

    WAHHH you resumed everything so perfectly and I have the same understanding as you! If you now any other stories like this, care to recommend me?

    Like ñya April 8, 2024 12:02 pm

    I unfortunately haven't read/found similar manga to this. With heavy themes of love and religion or think pieces in general. I tend to read silly romances more because I wanna turn off my brain after a long day

    But you should definitely check out the author's other works!!!

    Sleeping Dead - has a lot of body & psychological horror, but later it's heavy on existential themes and deals with the question "what would you do inorder to survive?" Its low-key Frankenstein's monster if they were buddy cop duo in a situationship

    Deen My Love - TW: sexual violence, extreme sadism. But it explores fetishes and the shame/self hatred that comes with it. if its curable through therapy?

    And just because they have same dark vibes, may I suggest:
    The One with in the Villainess

    WEEE April 9, 2024 12:01 am
    I unfortunately haven't read/found similar manga to this. With heavy themes of love and religion or think pieces in general. I tend to read silly romances more because I wanna turn off my brain after a long day... Like ñya

    Thank you very much! I will read them without further ado!

Like ñya November 14, 2023 7:18 pm

I honestly love the reveal of Kippei's sexuality here. You start out thinking he has a girlfriend (his sister's words and him not saying anything to dispute them). And then he refers to his significan other as partner. And when he get the phone call you also can't tell the gender of the caller (well Eng translation. The OG Japanese might be different) and then you realize along with Honjou!!!!

And Honjou didn't offer the information that he himself is gay. How he handled the coming out with such grace and empathy especially when Kippei is upset. Arghhh honestly poetry.

    Blackieberry July 10, 2024 10:04 am

    But what is this mean? "i've batted by the other team before"

    Honjou said that as coming out? I don't really understand tho

    Like ñya July 11, 2024 2:34 pm

    It's honestly just a minor translation mishap!
    The phrase usually goes as"batting for the SAME team", a fun lil baseball themed euphemism for being a homosexual. Liking someone of the same gender. (Ex. A lesbian and a straight man are batting on the same team because they like women.)

    Houjo is admitting to Kippei that he has liked a man before without putting a label (he might be fully gay or bisexual)

    "Batting for the OTHER team" implies he's straight which he is most definitely not. whahahaha

    Blackieberry July 11, 2024 3:06 pm
    It's honestly just a minor translation mishap!The phrase usually goes as"batting for the SAME team", a fun lil baseball themed euphemism for being a homosexual. Liking someone of the same gender. (Ex. A lesbian... Like ñya

    Ohhhh okeoke thank you so much for the long explanation, i understand now^^

    Kishi Kishi July 14, 2024 8:47 am
    It's honestly just a minor translation mishap!The phrase usually goes as"batting for the SAME team", a fun lil baseball themed euphemism for being a homosexual. Liking someone of the same gender. (Ex. A lesbian... Like ñya

    Isn't "batting for the other team" and "batting for the same team" the same? At least, that's what I heard. (@_@;)

    Kishi Kishi July 14, 2024 8:58 am
    Isn't "batting for the other team" and "batting for the same team" the same? At least, that's what I heard. (@_@;) Kishi Kishi

    I mostly hear "batting for the other team," though, which means to be gay or homosexual, instead. ( ̄∇ ̄")

Like ñya November 7, 2023 7:26 pm

I just honestly love how the teens really truly be teen-ing
I love how Iris and Leon are gonna have mellow drama. Like ofc a Leon turns into a lil emo boi when his first love rejects him. Him being so out of touch privileged rich kid that needs first hand experience to learn empathy is also just chef kiss character design.
And I love how Iris despite being someone who's written to be a level headed lady still has her moments of still being a child. She's 19 ofc she still has a bit of a childish side. I honestly love the arc where she decided to marry the old far and doesn't plan to tell her mother??? Most cause it's just such a teenager thing to do??? Idk. I was dumb and stupid like that once so I appreciate well written characters.

Lily and Ashley are also so well written too!!! Although I do find Ashley's story (finding her identity and what she wants to do) is a bit dragging. But I'm glad she loves her family. Lily being the most # relatable tho.

Like ñya November 3, 2023 11:06 pm

I just skimmed the raws and Cheong GF is a psycho. she makes a startling debut at Ch25-27

Rookie is just a red herring and so far is giving girlcrush

EDIT: read up to Ch45 of the raws and she sux.

    Nami November 4, 2023 9:49 am

    Any sort of romance development between glasses blue hair guy and siru?

    Like ñya November 4, 2023 11:07 am
    Any sort of romance development between glasses blue hair guy and siru? Nami

    I didn't bother Google translating the raws so take my observations with a grain of salt.

    jordan9937 November 23, 2023 1:30 pm
    I didn't bother Google translating the raws so take my observations with a grain of salt. Like ñya

    Can you give me the link to the raws pleasee

    jordan9937 November 23, 2023 1:30 pm
    Can you give me the link to the raws pleasee jordan9937


    Like ñya November 23, 2023 6:12 pm
    Nvm!! jordan9937

    Were you able to find it?

    jordan9937 November 23, 2023 6:26 pm
    Were you able to find it? Like ñya


    Tillie November 30, 2023 2:47 pm
    Yes!! jordan9937

    omg could you give me the link

Like ñya November 3, 2023 8:16 am

I really wanted to like this manhwa but BIG YIKES

Although I do understand the themes of the story: BDSM Smut in a college setting and Hyesol growing up and maturing (according to the author) BUT good lirdddddd this was a horrible representation of BDSM. Don't even get me started on the lack of consent, safewords and aftercare. But I can always ignore them red flags for some kinky fun times. And its low-key hinted they do decompress/chillout after sex by hanging out naked. But liiiiikkkkeeee

    SteamspunkSub November 6, 2023 5:17 pm

    No I was genuinely getting so upset at the lack of kink negotiation, communication, or kink safety at all.

    Like ñya November 7, 2023 7:11 am


Like ñya November 2, 2023 2:33 am

The first half of the manga was pretty great. I enjoyed the friendship of the siblings with the crown prince. And the fact she was ready to throw hands when provoked. I thought the start of the second half had a shaky start and pushed through cause I did like the lil romance going on. But then it became the sole focus of the story. With heavy focus on the fashion and god awful pacing of the story/romance

I kinda understand why the story went to this direction?? The current FL is technically a different person from her previous life. But when the author took the time to establish the connection and the retained skills/knowledge of her previous life..... The FL has now just become disappointing. I can't even find the energy to support the "late bloomer, teenager being a teenager/love makes you stupid" argument. Miss ma'am has lived 2 lives and is currently & mentaly 51yo. Plus there she used to be an empress with a trusted advisor, she should be able to navigate the political world a little bit more finesse. And the author could have taken the time to flesh out the FL's story with her trying to charm nobles to side with thecrown price.

I do like the fact she kinda has lost to the empress though in the recent chapter. Gives some drama and spice to an overused trip for max lvl girl boss protagonists tropes. And it really establishes the empress's as an antagonist. *BUT* for someone who rose to the top as an emperor in her previous life, who had to deal with her siblings that are probably similar to the empress.........this was disappointing. One can argue FL probably solved most of her problems with brute force in her previous life. But she's been established as someone who's clever enough to have contingency plans so she can protect her lazy life style. And maaaannnn what's the point of the meeting she had with her people. No matter how nervous she is for her brother.. she's proven before she can technically work under pressure even. Idk just disappointed by the choices even though it could have been a good story arc for her character growth.

    Dej November 3, 2023 4:52 am

    Frr, the beginning was good it was different and the age gap between the fl and ml is just weird. Like idk. I liked her in the beginning but now she’s just like every avenge fl. Idk kinda disappointed with his the flow of the story went

    Like ñya November 3, 2023 8:53 am

    Yuhhhh the on going joke of how Helena's just mentally more mature than her bother and the prince was really funny when they were kids. Plus it was great that she was able to spend this life being able to experience being a kid. (the ghost in the basement story was really cute)

    it would have been a better if this conflict was explored even more before her jumping into the relationship so quickly. Its giving "I'm dating you just because this was the first time someone confessed" And it feels like a rocky foundation for a relationship.

    I really wished their story was more of a slowburn with a fake dating trope thrown in and Helena FINALLY saying yes to a relationship with the Cesar when he's actually seated on the throne as the Emperor, when he's in his late 20s/early 30s. I'd like to think that would have offset the age gap imo and actually let her see him as Cesar rather than keep comparing him to his ancestor, Erez. Idk. The story really had a great set up for more political intrigue + power struggle but the 2nd season is a mess with sloppy romance.

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