My parents suspect I'm dating someone bc I wear this goofy ass smile looking down at my phone when my OTP does some cute shit. They're like, wow she's blushing rn she must really like whoever she's talking to!! I wonder if she's dating them? No my mom NO dad I'm just a nerd that obsesses over gay pairings bye
India. Well, it depends from place to place. But many Indians are extremely intolerant about it. Some people just tolerate us or ignore us altogether, others make jokes and throw slurs at us. It's mainly the new generations that are open minded and accepting, the older generations are almost all intolerant towards it. Most of the people are living ......
My first anime was Yokai Watch. I used to watch it when I was like, 4 and it aired on the TV. I didn't know what animes were back then. As for manga, I don't even remember my first manga. I got introduced to mangas through webtoons and my first webtoon was Save Me (The BTS one). As for manga, IRDK. I kinda just got into it at some point. My first m......
Photo from omg ong omg omg