What bs of a shit show is this I literally binge read the entire god damn thing because I have exams and I will do anything other than study I hate all 3 of these characters like what y'all even tryna achieve man

Kyun created a topic of Jinx

The plot is moving so slow that my mind has jumped skipped up ahead to the part after all the angst realization acceptance forgiveness to when they finally start actually dating and it's the fluffy romance era I can totally imagine jaekyung being all pouty and needy with Dan I can already see sulky jae as a thing without being drunk

Kyun created a topic of Bastian

Why tf would you take home to the hospital!!!??? Like I'd pretend to let him bleed out in an alleyway killing him and then pretending he died on the way. It was that simple your sister handed you the opportunity on a silver platter

Kyun created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

Am I the only one annoyed by the plot hole here like the house belongs to the ml she could literally kick them out or make them pay rent so she doesn't have to work so many part time jobs why tf is she tolerating them!!?? You already even threatened the aunt! don't give me the bs about not wanting to bother with lawyers and suing the hassle would be way worth it in the long run! I know I know it's just a webtoon and they have to move the plot forward and what not but it just annoys the hell out of me not using what is at disposal