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Best/Reread(37) 2024-07-29 0
My all time favorites(9) 2021-01-12 0
Seme is shitty and then regrets it(4) 2020-07-16 0
favorites (3) 2018-04-20 0

123450000's topics ( All 21 )

Marlen615 July 7, 2021 1:20 am

Please Yaoi God make them be able to have a child. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN THIS UNIVERSE

Marlen615 May 26, 2021 2:26 am

When do they mention the seme’s eye changing? I swear I read it before but forgot what chapter. ~~

123450000's questions ( All 1 )

Marlen615 June 28, 2020 9:48 pm

I’m looking for a manga where a boy is poor and goes to school to eat lunch and there’s a scene where he drinks from the faucet in the summer. That’s all I remember could be yaoi or not ╥﹏╥ any details would help!

123450000's favorite ( All 3 )

Photo from BRUH💀 10-04 01:24
spoilers (up to 29) 06-27 11:27
Photo from Album 09-24 09:51

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