If this is something that confuses you or that you don't agree with, just ask to talk with them. I'm positive that they'll be 100% willing to tell you how they're feeling and educate you on things that may have never even crossed your mind before. Just say "Hey, I really value our friendship but I'm a little confused about this and have never encou......
Here are my answers as a pansexual fujoshi... 1. ) Nope, have never. 2. ) I have never looked down on a feminie uke. 3. ) I guess it's because that in straight relation ship there is always the top ( g uy ) and bottom ( girl ) . 4. ) The plot but it's HOT, but mainly for the hotness. 5. ) I have never referred to gay relationships as yaoi, to me a......
One of my really good friends came out to me as trans during quarantine, wh...