I don’t like leaving things incomplete especially since i was towards the end already,,but... They should have stopped the story before the romance happened. I’m glad im not the only one who was insanely disturbed by the fact that a man who practically raised her from birth ended up getting with her at around 19 years old.
I also don’t know if it was because of translations for some parts, but the story seemed to be lacking a lot. I did like the animals,, it felt to me as if she had a closer relationship with them rather than anyone else. (I also grew really attached to igni so to see him only for a little bit kind of….hurt? I don’t even know what the emotion is but i didn’t like it lol).
Like it did show those she got close to but it felt so shallow especially since there was that part where she first cried and the emperor comforted her,, but it went back to square one, like it showed she understood but she went to moon and it was like her conversation with her dad never happened.
Lots of plot holes! I don’t even know if this has a novel, but I can’t tell if it was the artist or the author who couldn’t portray this properly. Because this could have been so good, it had so much potential. But they lacked on background stories for the side characters and not to mention why did we only find out towards the end about her sister’s powers??? Also am i the only one who feels like her brothers barely existed??
This became a long ass rant when all i wanted was to also share my disgust with the romance.

I stayed up all night reading this and i cried too. Ugh i remember the first time i read this i said taeju was the greenest red flag ik and now i remember why i said that. Like seriously the groveling was perfect,, he didn’t force himself on euihyun after they started living together (only when he got the go). I love stories like this where they address the issues and don’t just throw them under the bus like they never happened or after a simple sorry without any actual effort put in. Can’t wait till it’s complete,, gonna reread it again.

From a psychological genre stand point, this was great,, I wont say too much because spoilers. For those who want the smut and can ignore all the other things happening in the plot (because the plot is there but can barely be seen through, well, everything sovie is going through) then go for it because the smut ain’t too bad. The art style does change half way through though so there’s that (i liked the first art style better ngl). And lastly from a reader who loves romance’s perspective, i wanna RAGE, did not like the ending because it wasn’t happy, but as i said thats the romance lover in me. I felt helpless and did not enjoy that feeling, because truly the hope sovie felt dwinded and my hope along with it. Thats all, imma roll over and cry for a bit now, thanks for coming to my miniature TEDtalk.

Im scared to read the rest of the story. Like my anxiety is on max right now. The current chapter as of the moment is 37!! So if anyone isn’t caught up pls skip my comment!!
With the way things were going i thought this was going to be a quick resolution but now… with mc hiding away after the dad told him to… something is about to be completely twisted and its all because our boy isn’t in on the plan. One thing i do have an issue with is how mc thinks its bad that the lady is with another man when he was banging ‘her’ man not too long ago. Like its the same shit on both sides. Also, their communication game is so weak,, it physically hurts to read sometimes, i dead smacked my own face a couple times (I can’t even call it a face palm because the disagreement was bigger than that).

I literally started reading this story to prepare myself for another story that the comments said there was a toxic-ish trop in there. I was like oh ‘peach and her papas’ this is gonna be so cute and happy and,,,,i have cried so much today binging this to its most recent chapter. I shouldn’t have looked down on the authors ability to make this slice of life so soul crushingly real.

Eh i don't why people would put such comments but it's not really toxic.. almost genius uke and dumb emotional seme doesn't sound toxic at all. Seme's parents are a bit toxic and they do create some problems in their relationship but overall their relationship is quite good. Doesn't have any smexy scenes.
Oh and the main story is complete, they are uploading side stories of how the couple lives together despite many hardships.

You’ve misunderstood what i had written,,The thing i called toxic was another story which in the comments section people were saying it’s really heavy. It also has the psychological tag too,, so yeah i wanted to die of cuteness before i went into the dark world of psychology. Maybe my wording was off, sorry bout that
I read this on another site where the translation almost seems official, i looked through some here and it seems there’s a mix of different translations (and the 7.5 chapter wasn’t on the other site.)
Anyway, while i was reading the other one, there was no sign of pedophilic remarks like someone mentioned ‘like a childs’. In the one i read, it says…
Seme: I’m in love with the shape of you. Yours is the beauty i was looking for!
: I’ve thought this since around the time I moved in….I really thought that you had a beautiful body.
Uke: you don’t have to compliment me like this…
Seme: since the time I helped you pee I couldn’t get your cute little pecker out of my head.
: I only get turned on by the little boat at the port.
: A grown man with a mini willy, yum.
It seemed like he had a fetish for small dicks rather than being pedophilic,, i screenshotted the one on here too so i’ll write it down for anyone who wants to make a comparison of the two (i’m only gonna write down the questionable part lol). (Oh and i found out the one i was reading was a fan translation but it’s so clear and done well that i completely didn’t notice the Japanese sfx that weren’t translated)
Seme: I can’t forget your cute little dick when I helped you pee back then
: I only get erect for small boys
: Ah it’s not about their age. It’s about the size of their dicks.
Like the translation i read had a lot of comedic moments from memes and stuff. Like in the one i read where he said ‘im in love with the shape of you’…that’s literally ed Sharen (or however u spell the dudes name). The dub con was really iffy to read through, but it seemed like the author was mainly going for comedy mainly. Idk, i’m not tryna defend this story since i didn’t like it that much, uke #1 was the reason i stayed, but i thought this would be an interesting thing to bring up because translations can really make or break a story (on this site everyones hating on it and the other site it’s considered decent because of the comedy.. a lot of people clocked the dub con/ non con there too)