any raws

You can go to "ajustes paginado" and then click "vista en cascada" for multi pages

mmmmm read the raws and actually wanna scream. Siwon why are you so fucking dumb to the point you go drinking with him??? Ofc you're gonna get raped ofc ofc. I'll link the raws for you guys- https://toonkor.com/%EB%84%88%EB%9E%80-%EB%82%A8%EC%9E%90

I'm not trying to be annoying but where's the new chapter? It looks like others got to read it but a lot of us never saw it?? I never got a notification saying it was updated

if u scroll down the comments Cappy also gave us the link to read the new chapter on Mangadex https://mangadex.org/chapter/227640