I like that they killed him right away, if they didn't it would have been dragged out and more problems would have arisen
But man I hate her third parents like let her take it in, it its her duty as a princess but they didn't give her enough time to loathe the decision they made.
The mc and empress are the only one I love the others can rot. Plz spoil it for me if she actually does divorce the emperor.
Most stories drag out the angst this one was a good amount of angst without dragging it on.
What ?!!! Not to long ago ypu realized that you hurt your daughter now your saying kill her tf is going on in his mind.
Boy she didn't know any of the things her father was doing , that's was her only crime being in a little bubble that her parents created. The audacity of this man. Someone cut off his pipi
At least we don't have another blondie going crazy for the duke, if redhead started to like the duke I would've went ballistic.
Not blaming Bianca(well kinda am) but she could have told Yvonne this earlier about Lucy have marks on her back she has been knowing since Yvonne has been pregnant with Gaston but never said anything, yes u were scared to say anything but there bruises on her back! She is not just anybody she is a Duchess she has power to do something about it especially because it happened on their land. Many are going to say well it was not her place to say anything but if nobody says anything nothing will ever get done, now look how long Lucy been abused.
He got on my bad side when he put her to live in the maids quarter, like boy you married her and your going to make her live like u ain't got other bedrooms.
I lobe their story but Amelia gurl hear him out instead of running away like damm you almost made legis nerve on his forehead pop out
Hopefully that green headed doctor gets an earfull he only gave a crap abt the little sister and didn't realize Karina was sick.
She's a piece of shit fosho, I was rooting for her to kill the stupid cp but nope as long as she has power she dgaf what going to happen to psyche after all they went through is medea going to abandon her?