I think with chapter 53 they confirm now the cp is no longer the ml

For ch52: I’m glad they finally addressed the lookalike thing (fl and crown prince’s mother), albeit indirectly. Like with her saying he’s seeing someone else when he looks at her, and how he loved and wanted to be loved by his mother and was projecting that onto the FL.
And with his thought that he has to give up on her now (the FL) being delivered with certainty, I’m pretty sure he’s not the ML. This is definitely the end for them as a potential pairing I think unless there’s some sudden plot twist or I misunderstood the translation. Like maybe this is just part of the angst and they still end up together idk. But this definitely screamed The End for this pairing to me too

Authors gotta start making stories of fans going into their favorite novel to get revenge for their favorite character not like for my abandoned love ( I love it) but I want to see heads being decapitated or hanged. If you wish for my despair Is a great example of shitty characters deserving the worst ending. Anastasia just wanted to be with her loved one.

I want to finish it all in one go since I see it's very angsty. When do you guys think it would be finished?

https://www.novelupdates.com/series/i-thought-it-was-a-common- might have to sign in to be able to read , if you can’t try searching the tittle and add novel to the end

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Each chapter takes too long to load. Only happens for this manhua