I used to like this story a lot when I read it a few years ago (prob 5 years ago, during my high school), but now that I read it again (cus i have forgotten the story)..... I just have to say... honestly ren is such an asshole. he is already very wrong from the very start. like why would he let another girl close to him when he already has a gf? like wtf? moreover, you know that 'that' girl likes you and already confessed to you? he was the one who let that happen. if from the very first start, he didn't let ninako close to him after she confessed, all of these things wouldnt have happened. now, after all of this happened, he avoided ninako one-sidedly just to erase his feelings? he is selfish. if i'm mayuka, I'd be so heartbroken. mayuka is such a nice girl, she deserves much better than ren. the fact that she let ren go and didn't hold any grudge towards ninako is amazing!!! my heart hurts so much for her. ninako is also no good either like why would u keep sticking to a boy that already has a gf? ughhh :( I wonder why did i like ninako and ren back then

can anyone explain akihiko & ugetsu's relationship was like? I don't get them lol

Ugetsu said this "I want to be with him, but I'm in love with music. I've been waiting for him to let go of me one day. But the truth is I love him to death." He kept going back and forth. He suddenly brought home a guy and expected Akihiko to just give up. In turn, Akihiko would sleep around. There will be times when it would seem like as if they went back to the past and they would have sex. After a few days, it's the same old cycle again. If that's not toxic then I don't know what is.
I'm glad Akihiko decided to end things with him. They'll end up hurting each other more in the long run. Well, now Akihiko wants to be a better man deserving of Kaji, which I 100% support.

one thing that confuses me is why would be winter so scared of choosing the 2nd option from zoe if that means at the end of the time, winter can go back to jane once he is completely recovered? it's not like they won't meet each other at all again?
also in the previous chapter, didn't they say that being on jane's side makes the time flows for winter? now that he is once again back on her side, won't that make time flow again and won't it affect his health once more?

choosing the 2nd option meant that he'd become like how he was when he was with his master/before meeting jane. He'd lose all his memories of her and be completely devoid of emotion so even if he would see Jane again he wouldnt remember her or the time they spent together or the things they did
its true that being with Jane made time flow for winter since he started having emotions and became more human so time caught up to him. but using the Sage's stone Winter was healed so he became a normal human and his scars were gone so its like a permanent fix as compared to before so it wont affect him

my theory is maybe the mc mixed up his memory when he lost it. he might be the one that bullied hoyeon in the past together with his bestfriend sungtae but when hoyeon commited suicide he felt guilty and thats how he mixed up his memory. and about gyunwool having hoyeon's nametag, probably its because hoyeon was actually gyunwool's best friend and he wants to keep his nametag as memory and thats also the reason he locked up the MC and sungtae. but if thats the case, why would gyunwool seem like he is obsessed of the MC? its different with sungtae (the red haired guy)

Mr psycho’s first intended victim could have been Hoyeon , but since the MC possibly unintentionally caused hoyeon to be taken away , the psycho then switched his target to the MC after researching easily since he’s rich that the Mc is miserable and has a tough life and his looks aren’t bad ...so it would have been easy for mr psycho to switch his obsession, especially if the MC was That close to hoyeon, in a really twisted way, it’s mr psycho’s way of keeping a bit of hoyeon with him through the Mc
how exactly was taeui being used? I don't really understand. also did xinlu really like taeui or was he just using him?
Everyone approached tae beacuas of his brother except for tae because only tae can find his brother no one else can , his uncle was making him do the copies of his brother work without him knowing and without his brother permission of course he was being used by everyone