Lol that is funny dynamic between Matthew and Alipede(idk the albino hottie) I like the dynamics
New cover very pretty
We're soo back!!!!
I just imagined how Josh and Miller (idk the client) will have married couple fights, They will probably literally fight
The fuckis he staring at Abel like that (I'm talking about the commander or whatever his name was the blonde guy on the ship) he better not try to take Abel or do something to him or I will bite his ankles off
So you're telling me that fucking three guys have crush of some sort on mc? Well that will be funny
He's fucked, it is his brother I hope that now you won't takie it like before
Han maru looking sluttier than ever
Wow updates are quick idk if they're official if not I'm scared when offical come.... everyone knows what happens then...
deadass it pisses me off so bad bro
Ik when you literally wait months and months and then you need to reread it because you forgot the plot
it's funny to me how they say Mating instead of having s3x or fvcking
Lol that is funny dynamic between Matthew and Alipede(idk the albino hottie)
I like the dynamics